With the complex send (many-chains to many-chains), the send summary has separate networks for sending and receiving.
But with simplifications, it doesn't make sense to have the network at two spots. Design team has update the summary screen to show the network as a standalone card.
Acceptance Criteria
[ ] Send txn summary screen should match the design
Feature Issue
User Story
As a user, I want to see the network I'm interacting on, so that I'm informed about the movement of tokens.
Design: https://www.figma.com/design/xLs1KYmF4e6WwRTZVJKeUK/Wallet?node-id=18055-47891&m=dev
With the complex send (many-chains to many-chains), the send summary has separate networks for sending and receiving.
But with simplifications, it doesn't make sense to have the network at two spots. Design team has update the summary screen to show the network as a standalone card.
Acceptance Criteria