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Fix Ropsten / Rinkeby faucet #7750

Closed asemiankevich closed 5 years ago

asemiankevich commented 5 years ago


old faucets are not working anymore



Acceptance Criteria

any other ways to get test ETH would be appreciated

jakubgs commented 5 years ago

Will check on them.

jakubgs commented 5 years ago

So the faucet container is running:

root@faucet2:~# sudo netstat -lpnt | grep 3001
sudo: unable to resolve host faucet2
tcp6       0      0 :::3001                 :::*                    LISTEN      18055/docker-proxy
root@faucet2:~# docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                                               NAMES
2edd04d942eb        trinitronx/python-simplehttpserver   "python -m SimpleHTTP"   8 hours ago         Up 8 hours>8080/tcp                                                http
cd3b5ba44190        statusim/faucet                      "/faucet -network=rin"   5 months ago        Up 2 weeks>3001/tcp                                              faucet_faucet_1
e49086ea4db7        ethereum/client-go:v1.7.2            "geth --rinkeby --syn"   17 months ago       Up 2 weeks          8545-8546/tcp,>30303/tcp,>30303/udp   faucet_geth_1

I do get a redirect from

$ curl -skv
> GET / HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.64.0
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
< Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2019 11:10:10 GMT
< Transfer-Encoding: chunked
< Connection: keep-alive
< Cache-Control: max-age=3600
< Expires: Mon, 18 Mar 2019 12:10:10 GMT
< Location:
< Server: cloudflare
< CF-RAY: 4b96c2349ba8cc91-WAW
* Connection #0 to host left intact

But the connection to HTTPS port times out:

$ curl --max-time 3 -skv
* Connection state changed (MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS == 256)!
* Operation timed out after 3000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received
* stopped the pause stream!
* Connection #0 to host left intact
jakubgs commented 5 years ago

Oh, I see what is happening, I currently can't SSH into

 $ ssh -o ConnectTimeout=3 root@ 
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out

~/work/infra-utils/cloudflare master*
 $ ping -c 3                    
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 53ms

And that is where both faucets are located:

 $ ./ | grep faucet
0f83254f854d8274cdcd99cd851958e7 P      A
83202f10979097b3c561b623760797ad P      A     

It appears that that host is down.

asemiankevich commented 5 years ago

@jakubgs i googled it a bit and seems this URL is no longer supported . @mandrigin @3esmit maybe you knpw something

jakubgs commented 5 years ago

It appears the host has been stopped:

 $ scw ps -a --no-trunc --filter="name=faucet1"
SERVER ID                              IMAGE               ZONE                CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAME                COMMERCIAL TYPE
abd8a9ad-b933-4211-a9f3-5d0ce82a983f   Docker_1_12_2                           22 months           stopped           faucet1             VC1S

Interestingly enough I can't see the region for the server, so I cannot inspect it.

jakubgs commented 5 years ago

I've managed to start it with:

 $  scw --region ams1 start server:abd8a9ad-b933-4211-a9f3-5d0ce82a983f 

Despite not being able to inspect it:

 $ scw --region ams1 inspect server:abd8a9ad-b933-4211-a9f3-5d0ce82a983f
ERRO[0001] Unable to resolve identifier server:abd8a9ad-b933-4211-a9f3-5d0ce82a983f 
FATA[0001] cannot execute 'inspect': at least 1 item failed to be inspected 

Interestingly now that it's in starting I can inspect it:

 $ scw --region ams1 --sensitive inspect server:abd8a9ad-b933-4211-a9f3-5d0ce82a983f
  "arch": "x86_64",
  "id": "abd8a9ad-b933-4211-a9f3-5d0ce82a983f",
  "name": "faucet1",
  "creation_date": "2017-05-08T21:25:50.837681+00:00",
  "modification_date": "2019-03-18T11:55:04.028913+00:00",
  "image": {
    "id": "b29a1c4e-43ed-4457-95f5-044ab7806e02",
    "name": "Docker 1.12.2",
    "creation_date": "2016-10-26T14:43:42.980247+00:00",
    "modification_date": "2016-10-26T14:43:42.980247+00:00",
    "root_volume": {
      "id": "2fea886f-ff7f-4cd1-9342-aa099ab4a553",
      "size": 50000000000,
      "name": "x86_64-docker-latest-2016-10-24_15:48",
      "volume_type": "l_ssd"
    "public": true,
    "default_bootscript": {
      "bootcmdargs": "LINUX_COMMON ip=:::::eth0: boot=local",
      "initrd": "",
      "kernel": "",
      "architecture": "x86_64",
      "id": "aa9f03c9-5d0e-42bb-82b1-0a73e29501a0",
      "organization": "11111111-1111-4111-8111-111111111111",
      "title": "x86_64 4.5.7 docker #4"
    "organization": "abaeb1aa-760b-4391-aeab-c0622be90abf",
    "arch": "x86_64"
  "dynamic_ip_required": false,
  "public_ip": {
    "id": "77520e46-ac20-4474-bf8f-b74fe14d0d1c",
    "address": "",
    "dynamic": false
  "state": "running",
  "boot_type": "bootscript",
  "state_detail": "booted",
  "private_ip": "",
  "bootscript": {
    "bootcmdargs": "LINUX_COMMON ip=:::::eth0: boot=local",
    "initrd": "",
    "kernel": "",
    "architecture": "x86_64",
    "id": "aa9f03c9-5d0e-42bb-82b1-0a73e29501a0",
    "organization": "11111111-1111-4111-8111-111111111111",
    "title": "x86_64 4.5.7 docker #4"
  "hostname": "faucet1",
  "volumes": {
    "0": {
      "id": "bb65cb9f-9800-47ab-a0c2-24ac1cbefb68",
      "size": 50000000000,
      "creation_date": "2017-05-08T21:25:50.837681+00:00",
      "modification_date": "2017-05-08T21:25:50.837681+00:00",
      "organization": "745947b8-bbc1-4939-a14d-b682a90b1610",
      "name": "x86_64-docker-latest-2016-10-24_15:48",
      "server": {
        "id": "abd8a9ad-b933-4211-a9f3-5d0ce82a983f",
        "name": "faucet1"
      "volume_type": "l_ssd",
      "export_uri": "device://dev/vda"
  "security_group": {
    "id": "d73f2e23-1e3f-436e-937a-87d655d04480",
    "name": "Default security group"
  "organization": "745947b8-bbc1-4939-a14d-b682a90b1610",
  "commercial_type": "VC1S",
  "location": {
    "platform_id": "22",
    "cluster_id": "3",
    "hypervisor_id": "201",
    "node_id": "14",
    "zone_id": "ams1"
  "dns_public": "",
  "dns_private": ""

I was also unable to extract any info using scw logs, so I don't know why it was stopped.

jakubgs commented 5 years ago

Anyway, the server is now up:

 $ scw ps -a --no-trunc -f name=faucet1
SERVER ID                              IMAGE               ZONE                CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAME                COMMERCIAL TYPE
abd8a9ad-b933-4211-a9f3-5d0ce82a983f   Docker_1_12_2       ams1                22 months           running           faucet1             VC1S

And one of the endpoints is back: But that's not correct, because the correct address should be, but I can't seem to find a config for that endpoint on the host. What the fuck happened...

jakubgs commented 5 years ago

So the host used to contain Nginx configuration for two endpoints:

I revived it and there's a few weird things about it, for example, the container running there is different than on other faucet hosts:

root@faucet1:/etc# docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                                                      NAMES
d8f9cde87b34        farazdagi/faucet    "supervisord --config"   17 minutes ago      Up 16 minutes>3001/tcp,>8545/tcp,>30303/tcp   faucet

It's using farazdagi/faucet instead of statusim/faucet on all other hosts, and there is no ethereum/client-go container either.

There is also no /etc/nginx or Nginx installed. Which is weird.

jakubgs commented 5 years ago

I also found that is running a weird trinitronx/python-simplehttpserver container:

root@faucet2:~# docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                                               NAMES
2edd04d942eb        trinitronx/python-simplehttpserver   "python -m SimpleHTTP"   9 hours ago         Up 9 hours>8080/tcp

Which seems to be hosting some node listing page - - which loads nodes forever. This has been started 9 hours ago:

root@faucet2:~# docker inspect http | jq '.[].Created'

But I can't seem to find who did it.

jakubgs commented 5 years ago

Okay, now is back up as well. I don't know why but 9 minutes ago both containers exited with 0.

jakubgs commented 5 years ago

I've brought all three online:

One issue is, the rinkeby and testnet both return this from /faucet-info:

can't fetch trie key xyz...123: no suitable peers available
jakubgs commented 5 years ago

Also seems to return:

  "account": "0xadaf150b905cf5e6a778e553e15a139b6618bbb7",
  "balance": "0 Wei"

Not sure why, I assume it wasn't like that before.

mandrigin commented 5 years ago

can it be because of Constantinople update?

annadanchenko commented 5 years ago

it looks like 0xadaf150b905cf5e6a778e553e15a139b6618bbb7 address was used long time ago and definitely was not sending 0.1 ETH last week or so when faucet was working

jakubgs commented 5 years ago

can it be because of Constantinople update?

Oh, that's possible. It is running ethereum/client-go:v1.7.2, I assume that's too old?

jakubgs commented 5 years ago

I will try upgrading it to v1.8.23.

jakubgs commented 5 years ago

Whelp, I upgraded to v1.8.23 for Rinkeby and this is what I get from

{"error":"invalid character 'i' looking for beginning of value"}

The geth container seems to be having syncing issues:

INFO [03-18|14:20:30.023] IPC endpoint opened                      url=/root/.ethereum/rinkeby/geth.ipc
INFO [03-18|14:20:30.033] HTTP endpoint opened                     url=              cors= vhosts=localhost
INFO [03-18|14:20:30.051] Block synchronisation started 
WARN [03-18|14:20:30.052] Synchronisation failed, retrying         err="block download canceled (requested)"
INFO [03-18|14:21:18.556] Imported new block headers               count=192 elapsed=792.793ms number=3725184 hash=e84515…c61638 age=1mo3w5d
INFO [03-18|14:21:22.578] Imported new block headers               count=192 elapsed=256.473ms number=3749568 hash=0b4bad…297277 age=1mo3w1d
WARN [03-18|14:23:09.865] Rolled back headers                      count=2048 header=3749568->3747520 fast=0->0 block=0->0
WARN [03-18|14:23:09.865] Synchronisation failed, retrying         err="block body download canceled (requested)"
WARN [03-18|14:23:17.159] Synchronisation failed, dropping peer    peer=3418b497a0c26758 err=timeout
jakubgs commented 5 years ago

What a fucking mess. Maybe it makes more sense to just start an infra-faucet and configure this stuff from scratch. Because fixing this is making me angry.

annadanchenko commented 5 years ago

@jakubgs can it be solved today or tomorrow? I know you have a bunch of other tasks, so maybe we should ask for help from the team?

jakubgs commented 5 years ago

I've created and I'm working on deploying the Rinkeby cluster right now. I hope to be done by the end of the day.

jakubgs commented 5 years ago

So I'm having issues with being not compatible with new geth versions. I'm going to try to fix it but it looks messy so I can't guarantee it will work today. If anyone needs eth in Ropsten on Rinkeby I have access to the old faucet wallet, so I can perform transfers by hand.

jakubgs commented 5 years ago

I believe the faucets are up and running now:

 $ curl -sk                                                         
{"account":"0x2127edab5d08b1e11adf7ae4bae16c2b33fdf74a","balance":"66020 Ether"}

 $ curl -sk                                                         
{"account":"0x2127edab5d08b1e11adf7ae4bae16c2b33fdf74a","balance":"320 Ether"}

I will be removing the old hosts on Scaleway that we used to use and which IPs are listed in this issue. Please use the DNS names from now on.