statycc / pymwp

A static analyzer of variable value growth for C programs.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Variable mismatch / ignored #11

Closed aubertc closed 3 years ago

aubertc commented 3 years ago

The following program:

int main(){
    x2 = x3 + x1;
    x4 = x2;


--- Affiche <relation_list.RelationList object at 0x7f54084e7ef0> ---
x2    |     +o  +o  +o
x3    |,0),0),0)  +m  +o
x1    |,0),0),0)  +o  +m
--- FIN ---
[[0], [1], [2]]

As we can see, x4 is simply not accounted for.

ThomasRuby commented 3 years ago

I've changed the assertions of test_analyze_if_with|out_braces since y = x3 generates [ o, o | m, m] now. Can someone check that it's normal that we have now combinations ? It didn't chock me since we have if statement them sum of Polynomials…

nkrusch commented 3 years ago

The analysis now gives this output. We will need to check if this is the correct matrix:

x2    |     +o  +o  +o  +o
x3    |,0),0),0)  +m  +o,0),0),0)
x1    |,0),0),0)  +o  +m,0),0),0)
x4    |     +o  +o  +o  +o

I computed it by hand (there is a choice E3/E4 for X3+X1):

Screen Shot 2021-06-04 at 10 43 14 PM

(C rule) after multiplying the two matrices I get:

Screen Shot 2021-06-04 at 10 51 18 PM

Choosing E4 earlier in X3+X1, I get result

Screen Shot 2021-06-04 at 10 52 14 PM
  1. Can you check what I wrote above? If I made some mistake I'd like to know how to do it correctly.
  2. Does it match the implementation output? Apart from X2,X4 I'm not sure how to read the deltas.

Other comments:

EDIT: These changes are in a branch now, Thomas, run git checkout issue-11 to switch to it.

nkrusch commented 3 years ago

The input is

int main() {
     int x;
     int y;
     x = 1;
     int x1;
     int x2;
     int x3;
     x1 = 1;
     x2 = 2;
     if (x > 0) x3 = 1;
     else x3 = x2;
     y = x3;

before this change, we get

x   |     +o  +o  +o  +o
x1  |     +o  +o  +o  +o
x2  |     +o  +o  +o  +o
x3  |     +o  +o  +o  +m

after this change, we get

x  |     +o  +o  +o  +o  +o
x1 |     +o  +o  +o  +o  +o
x2 |     +o  +o  +o  +o  +o
x3 |     +o  +o  +o  +o  +o
y  |     +o  +o  +o  +o  +o

so the question is what is the correct scalar for X3?

(Side note, we could rewrite this test to use a different input, because the goal here is to check that presence/absence of braces around the if body does not change analysis result. This input was based on #7 but it is not a very interesting input, because it gives 0 matrix. Some small 2x2 example with different scalars would seem like a more useful test case.)

seiller commented 3 years ago

I believe both outputs are incorrect. I think we should have 0s everywhere except for an m showing a dependency of x3 w.r.t. x2, and an m showing a dependency of y w.r.t. x3.

ThomasRuby commented 3 years ago

I believe both outputs are incorrect. I think we should have 0s everywhere except for an m showing a dependency of x3 w.r.t. x2, and an m showing a dependency of y w.r.t. x3.

I'm not sure of that since we have x2 = 2 and y = x3 = ((x2 = 2) | 1) constant (then 0s) should be propagated, isn't it ?

ThomasRuby commented 3 years ago

EDIT: These changes are in a branch now, Thomas, run git checkout issue-11 to switch to it.

I thought it would be a minor change… you're right I should have created a branch for this issue ^^'

ThomasRuby commented 3 years ago

I computed it by hand (there is a choice E3/E4 for X3+X1):

Screen Shot 2021-06-04 at 10 43 14 PM

(C rule) after multiplying the two matrices I get:

Screen Shot 2021-06-04 at 10 51 18 PM

Choosing E4 earlier in X3+X1, I get result

Screen Shot 2021-06-04 at 10 52 14 PM
1. Can you check what I wrote above? If I made some mistake I'd like to know how to do it correctly.

2. Does it match the implementation output? Apart from X2,X4 I'm not sure how to read the deltas.

Thank you for doing it by hand ! To me it seems to be ok (this is why I didn't mention it in the commit) but you're right it's good to have another test checked by hand to put in our UT. If we swap column/row we get :

x1    |     +m,0),0),0)  +o,0),0),0)
x2    |     +o  +o  +o  +o
x3    |     +o,0),0),0)  +m,0),0),0)
x4    |     +o  +o  +o  +o

@seiller can you confirm that ? I'm also never sure about deltas index order ^^'

aubertc commented 3 years ago

A couple of comments:

I believe it is correct, but using E2 we can also get X3 + X1 being (w / o / w / o), since this rule simply says "put w on every variable occurring in that expression".

With that respect, I believe @ThomasRuby 's output in the post above is correct.

x1    |     m +o +o +o 
x2    |     +o  m  +o +o 
x3    |     +o +o +o +o 
x4    |      +o +o +o m 


aubertc commented 3 years ago

So, the second example is weirdly written (not all the assignment at the same place, i.e., they are mixed with declaration), which makes it hard to parse by hand, and it's not too interesting either because everything gets cancelled in the end, I believe.

In any case, the second example should be all 0's, indeed.

You can use the following python helper to check some calculation:

from pymwp import Polynomial, Monomial
from pymwp.matrix import identity_matrix, matrix_prod, matrix_sum, show
from typing import Any, Optional, List
from functools import reduce

# First example of
#     x2 = x3 + x1;
l1[0][1] = Polynomial([Monomial('m')])
l1[1][1] = Polynomial([Monomial('o')])
l1[2][1] = Polynomial([Monomial('p')])
show(l1, prefix="[   x1 ,    x2   , x3   ,     x4 ]")

#     x4 = x2;
l2[1][3] = Polynomial([Monomial('m')])
l2[3][3] = Polynomial([Monomial('o')])
show(l2, prefix="[   x1 ,    x2   , x3   ,     x4 ]")

# Result:
show(matrix_prod(l1, l2))

print("Second example\n")

# Second example of
#      x = 1;
l1[0][0] = Polynomial([Monomial('o')])
show(l1, prefix="[   x  ,    x1   ,   x2  ,   x3  ,   y ]")

#      x1 = 1;
l2[1][1] = Polynomial([Monomial('o')])
show(l2, prefix="[   x  ,    x1   ,   x2  ,   x3  ,   y ]")

#      x2 = 2;
l3[2][2] = Polynomial([Monomial('o')])
show(l3, prefix="[   x  ,    x1   ,   x2  ,   x3  ,   y ]")

#      if (x > 0) x3 = 1;
#      else x3 = x2;
l4[3][3] = Polynomial([Monomial('o')])
l4[2][3] = Polynomial([Monomial('m')])
show(l4, prefix="[   x  ,    x1   ,   x2  ,   x3  ,   y ]")

#      y = x3;
l5[4][4] = Polynomial([Monomial('o')])
l5[3][4] = Polynomial([Monomial('m')])
show(l5, prefix="[   x  ,    x1   ,   x2  ,   x3  ,   y ]")

# Putting it all together:

show(matrix_prod(matrix_prod(matrix_prod(matrix_prod(l1, l2), l3), l4), l5), prefix="[   x  ,    x1   ,   x2  ,   x3  ,   y ]")
aubertc commented 3 years ago

I believe both outputs are incorrect. I think we should have 0s everywhere except for an m showing a dependency of x3 w.r.t. x2, and an m showing a dependency of y w.r.t. x3.

I think that all of that get canceled because

So I believe everything gets canceled in the end, when all of that get multiplied.

seiller commented 3 years ago

The conditional is computed as the max (the sum) of the two branches, so it should not be 0s everywhere.

aubertc commented 3 years ago

Yes, but it's not just an if: the

 x = 1;
 x1 = 1;
 x2 = 2;
 y = x3;

nullify most of the values, and then the product does the rest…

seiller commented 3 years ago

Right, the constant value of x_2 is propagated to x_3. Sorry for overlooking that.

aubertc commented 3 years ago

It's easy to overlook it with this weird statement order (declaration / assignment / declaration).

ThomasRuby commented 3 years ago

I believe both outputs are incorrect. I think we should have 0s everywhere except for an m showing a dependency of x3 w.r.t. x2, and an m showing a dependency of y w.r.t. x3.

I'm not sure of that since we have x2 = 2 and y = x3 = ((x2 = 2) | 1) constant (then 0s) should be propagated, isn't it ?

↑ I thought we agreed 2 days ago ^^' ↑

Well I think it would be good to put their results (of the two examples we agreed to be good) into a unit test. Then I will close the issue.