Open Zero3K opened 2 years ago
TDI.pas: 390 ''' {Embora comigo nunca tenha acontecido, algumas pessoas me avisaram sobre uma exceção de focus que a linha abaixo gera em casos bem especificos. Eu deixo descomentado e se você prefefir pode comentar a linha abaixo.} try Perform(WM_NEXTDLGCTL, 0, 0);//muda o foco para o primeiro controle do formulario //<<<<<< 390 except end;
The developer has fixed it by changing the code to be as shown in
According to one developer, there is an exception regarding window focus that is happen. You commented in the code responsible for it the following:
"Although it never happened to me, some people warned me about a focus exception that the line below generates in very specific cases. I leave it uncommented and if you prefer you can comment the line below."
Can you fix it or not?