stawel / cheali-charger

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Imax clone 80W up to 200W. #306

Open ElitePlusPlus opened 2 years ago

ElitePlusPlus commented 2 years ago

Hi! I have upgraded the hardware but cannot increase the charge/discharge current. I try all firmware, but only one is works correctly. I changed HardwareConfig and now can set charge current up to 15A on 2V (I need to charged NiCd cell 15-110Ah), but to correct the error "I charge 14 / discharge 14", I need to reduce the maximum current to 4.5 A.... Original firmware allowed set current up to 6A... Its good, but too low for my needs. What I do wrong and can I do something?

diggit commented 2 years ago

Hi, can you share, what kind of mods you did? Error 14 means your limit is our of measurable range IIRC.

ElitePlusPlus commented 2 years ago

Hi! THX a lot for answer! I change all transistor and diodes to more powerfull - IRF4905, IRF3205 and MBR20100. Then I made new coil and change resistor in the charge and discharge circuits for 5W once. I use two resistors 0,05 Om in parallel for current and two 0.1 Om in discharge. And now I can charge up to 10A, but reading device is less than twice. I want to add two resistors more and reach 20 A charging current... 1 2 3 4

ElitePlusPlus commented 2 years ago

And charging process... 5 6

diggit commented 2 years ago

So generally your Rcharge shunt is half of default value which should double Icharge range (good). I am not entirely sure about difference between Ismps and IsmpsSet here but IsmpsSet check fails. I guess, that your charger can't set output so high, that it would reach desired output current.

Can you share your Icharge calibration values? (1 pair per calibration point)

ElitePlusPlus commented 2 years ago

1500 mA (3000 mA really) - 17646 300 mA (600 mA) - 1987

diggit commented 2 years ago

1500 mA (3000 mA really) - 17646

What do you mean? If calibration point is 1.5 A, you have to adjust your calibration so you get 1.5 A on output and not 3 A.

ElitePlusPlus commented 2 years ago

Yes, when I calibrate charger show 1500mA, then ampermeter show 3000mA. I have resistor smaller then original - 0.025 Om.

ElitePlusPlus commented 2 years ago

Ok! I recalibrate to 1500 - 1500. And max charge current reach 15A. But discharge current max 3800mA on 1,2V... I will try to change resistor to 2x0,05 Om.

ElitePlusPlus commented 2 years ago

Ok!!! I made changes that I planed! Now I have near 6300 discharge current, but cell was not fully charged. Lets charge it. 7 8

ElitePlusPlus commented 2 years ago

And now I want to change firmware for chardge current up to 30A.

ElitePlusPlus commented 2 years ago

Big cells are waiting!!! It can be charged up to 25Ampers... 9

ElitePlusPlus commented 2 years ago

Can anybody make some changes to firmvare? Need to add tripple charging algorithm for Ni-Cd cells...

diggit commented 2 years ago

What do you mean by "tripple charging algorithm"? Also flash of Atmega32 if filled almost to the brim.

ElitePlusPlus commented 2 years ago

It is second stage of charge when after chardging 1C add 1/10C for few hours. Maybe cut Pb charge?

ElitePlusPlus commented 2 years ago

Hi all! I made a new one of power PCB. 10 11 And I hope to reach dis/charging current up to 30A. Lets try...

JFingerle commented 10 months ago

Offtopic: Really impressive hardware mod!