stayintarkov / SIT.Manager.Avalonia

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Make versioning clearer for installing / updating #242

Open artehe opened 2 months ago

artehe commented 2 months ago

Taken from discord and I mostly agree that we could do something to make versioning a bit clearer, also probably could look at the updating as it doesn't quite see to work as I originally intended:

Could we also add

Latest SIT EFT Version: Latest SIT Version

Latest SPT-AKI Version Latest SIT-Mod Version

So people can cross check or just check via badge "you are up to date" that they are on latest and don´t need to update? Also it would be good to know if i should or should not update. Not every time there is an update to aki it should be updated.

Because right now i have to go on github and check releases + go to spt and check releases.

I know i can update launcher but a little bit more info about my versions would be good

Link to message: Discord