Originally posted by **dylanhru** November 11, 2023
Clint LVMD notes:
1. Can an alert be sent to notify of upcoming services?
2. Can this service create a calendar event for the workshop (that block the asset out in the calendar), and makes it available workshop to see.
3. Service Completion notes: Completed by "{Contractor}", We (LVMD) add notes, servicing hours (took 2 mechanic hrs $120/hr), total bill $240-300
Then subsequently forecast lifetime servicing:
Services are individual (per machine)
mini exc 3yrs/3000 hrs
midi exc undercarriage expensive
skid steers 2yrs, 2000hrs high wear on tracks, cycle them at that time
Planned disposal date/time/hours
Discussed in https://github.com/orgs/stayonhire/discussions/71