stchang / parsack

A basic Parsec-like monadic parser combinator library implementation in Racket.
MIT License
50 stars 10 forks source link

example json parser is incredible slow #38

Closed jinwei233 closed 9 years ago

jinwei233 commented 10 years ago

a sample json file , about 250k , use Node only takes 2ms , but use parsack , it takes about 62502ms

stchang commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the report! Parsack should be slower than a finely tuned parser implementation but you're right that that seems excessive. Would you be willing to provide the sample so I can investigate?

jinwei233 commented 10 years ago

sorry for replying so late

use parsack/examples/json-parser.rkt to parse a generated JSON file online

for node.js

var jsonString  = require("fs").readFileSync("your_test_json.txt").toString();
greghendershott commented 10 years ago

Given this:

#lang racket

(require parsack
(time (void (parse $p_text (file->string "json.json"))))

(require json)
(time (void (with-input-from-file "json.json" read-json)))

I get:

cpu time: 118 real time: 122 gc time: 48
cpu time: 5 real time: 5 gc time: 0

Where the json.json file is below.

That is basically the difference I'd expect, as @stchang mentioned above.

Maybe before, when you got the extremely slow time of 62502m, it was on different JSON that hits some weak point in the parsack/examples/json-parser grammar??

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greghendershott commented 10 years ago

For measuring timing, it would be better if I'd used racket/base and collect-garbage -- for example:

#lang racket/base

(require parsack
(for ([i 3]) (collect-garbage))
(time (void (parse $p_text (file->string "json.json"))))

(require json)
(for ([i 3]) (collect-garbage))
(time (void (with-input-from-file "json.json" read-json)))

However in this case I get roughly the same result.

stchang commented 9 years ago

parsack's json parsing is now comparable to Racket. Running Greg's test:

$ racket json-perf-test.rkt 
parsack json parser:
cpu time: 4 real time: 8 gc time: 0
Racket read-json:
cpu time: 4 real time: 3 gc time: 0
jinwei233 commented 9 years ago
