stcr / subscribe-to-comments-reloaded

Subscribe to Comments Reloaded allows commenters to sign up for e-mail notifications of subsequent replies.
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Issues with Settings #243

Open Niackery opened 8 years ago

Niackery commented 8 years ago

1.1) The text displayed via the One Click Unsubscribe field under the Notifications tab is displayed on the management page -- it's not sent via email. It should therefore be under the Management tab, for clarity. (I had it formatted with a greeting and salutation until I realized it wasn't actually an email message.)

1.2) I'm not sure, but I imagine this is why the post_title tag doesn't work well when used in the One Click Unsubscribe field. Instead of displaying the post title, it displays the post slug.

1.3) Likewise, the post_permalink tag doesn't work at all in the One Click Unsubscribe field...

2.1) The oneclick_link tag doesn't seem to work in the Management Message field under the Notifications tab.

2.2) Under the Options tab, I have "Enable HTML emails: Yes" and "HTMLify links in emails: No". I insert the links myself using the wysiwyg editor's Source Code option under Tools, for example: "<a href="[post_permalink]>[post_title]</a>". This works well most of the time, except in the Management Message field.

If I code <a href="[manager_link]">Your Personal Subscription Management Page</a>, the link is broken when the email arrives, even though all looks good in the visual editor.

However, if I simply insert [manager_link] on its own, the email delivered converts the URL to a link. I thought this wasn't supposed to happen if "HTMLify links in emails" is set to No?? So it's strange that this is currently the only way I can get links to work in the Managment Message field...

3) Under the Comment Form tab, in the Messages for Visitors section, there should be a "Submitted label" field.

When a user first subscribes to comments on a post while submitting their own comment (as opposed to subscribing without commenting), the Pending text is confusing because it displays a link to the management page, which asks the user to submit their email address to receive a confirmation message. However, the confirmation message was already sent when the subscription and comment were submitted. So if users follow the prompts, they will receive multiple confirmation messages.

The solution is to display a different message when users first submit their subscription request upon leaving a comment. If users come back to the post later on, only then should the Pending message be displayed.

4) The plugin should respect site defaults regarding visual / text editors. Since I have the visual editor disabled site-wide with add_filter('user_can_richedit' , create_function('' , 'return false;') , 50);, I would expect the plugin to load a text editor for me, instead of having to edit the source code for every wysiwyg field...

I use a real management page, not sure if that has any bearing on these issues. Thanks for looking into all of this for me!

Reedyseth commented 8 years ago

@Niackery Thank you for this wonderful review, I will give myself time to go over each point and feedback you with comments. Also please check the development version that I mentioned to you on the WordPress site and then update your comments here.


Niackery commented 8 years ago

Will do :) Thanks!

Niackery commented 8 years ago

Results of my testing so far...

1.1 - 1.2 - 1.3) No change

2.1 - 2.2) The links now render correctly, but they don't actually work. Same as with this WordPress thread, the links don't load the Management page; instead, they load the content of the Request Link field under the Managment Page tab. Users are basically sent on a perpetual loop.

3) No change

4) Visual editor doesn't load anymore, so that's good!

Nice touch adding the Reply-to field on the Notifications tab :)

Since I've been changing the settings so much in the past few days, it made me realize that the "Your settings have been successfully updated." message isn't dismissable. That would be another nice-to-have...

I've made a few more observations but I have to test some more. I'll try to post again soon...

Niackery commented 8 years ago

Figured out issues 1.2 & 1.3. Am still using the development version of the plugin for now... In subscribe-to-comments-reloaded/templates/one-click-unsubscribe.php, locate:

if ( is_object( $post ) ) {
    $message = html_entity_decode( stripslashes( get_option( 'subscribe_reloaded_oneclick_text' ) ), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8' );
    $message = str_replace( '[post_title]',   $post->post_name, $message );
    $message = str_replace( '[blog_name]' , get_bloginfo('name'), $message );


if ( is_object( $post ) ) {
    $post_permalink = get_permalink( $post_ID );
    $message = html_entity_decode( stripslashes( get_option( 'subscribe_reloaded_oneclick_text' ) ), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8' );
    $message = str_replace( '[post_title]',   $post->post_title, $message );
    $message = str_replace( '[post_permalink]', $post_permalink, $message );
    $message = str_replace( '[blog_name]' , get_bloginfo('name'), $message );

Uses post_title instead of post_name for the post_title tag, and adds the code for the post_permalink tag.

Reedyseth commented 8 years ago

Hi @Niackery , I have been working in another issue of the plugin and haven't been able to review all the comments, but they are next after I finish the other code and test it.

Niackery commented 8 years ago

No worries -- I've been working on something else too :)