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Sending 30-40 times the number of emails it should? #348

Open tevyaw opened 7 years ago

tevyaw commented 7 years ago

I stand behind what I said in #347 - that's a very deep issue with the plugin and makes it a liability, anytime a post gets lots of comments. However, it turns out there were only 35 comment subscribers on that particular post I mentioned. So each new comment should have only generated 35 emails. For some reason, it seems StCR was sending 30-40 emails to each subscriber, for each new comment! That's why SendGrid flagged the account, because it suddenly started sending tons of messages, when it should have only been sending 35.

Here's what Flywheel support said:

There were 589 emails yesterday, and already 353 today, and it was disabled most of the time. It appears each user is getting about 30-40 email notifications. So it’s likely just something screwy with how the subscriptions are set up. Changing it to either only on reply to my comments could lessen the blow, but it appears there may just be a loop of notifications being sent out.

Any ideas? Can I provide anything to help you track down why this happened? It's very disconcerting and potentially will lead to those subscribers marking lots of our messages as spam and getting our site/SendGrid acct flagged as a result.

micha1848 commented 6 years ago

that sounds like my problem. But there's a little difference with me. The admin gets up to 400 (!!) notifications per login. Unfortunately, the subscription is not available, and we don't have a subscription. This may also be due to the fact that the server eventually pulls the emergency brake and blocks the script. (504 Gateway error)

If you mean its something differnent, i can open a new ticket....