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Subscription without post #645

Open ThierryNK opened 3 years ago

ThierryNK commented 3 years ago

Hi Link that is emailed for a subscription without post goes to the Manage subscription page that is asking again for an email. Odd

You can test here:

BobaWebDev commented 3 years ago

Hi @ThierryNK

I answered on the support request, but let's continue here, you can disregard the one on forum.

Can you please try disabling the challenge question and then give it a try. Just temporary disable it for a test.

Let me know if it works out that way, if it does then I'll know where in the code to look for the issue.

ThierryNK commented 3 years ago

Hi I just removed the challenge question, and same behavior Kind regards

ThierryNK commented 3 years ago

PS: 1 You can ask me to make modifications in your code 2 I have deleted your non confirmed subscription so that you will be able to test again

BobaWebDev commented 3 years ago

Hi @ThierryNK

Sorry for the wait, weekend got in the way.

Let's first test if the page knows that it's supposed to be confirming a subscription.

On line 744 of wp_subscribe_reloaded.php you'll see:

$email_by_key = $this->utils->get_subscriber_email_by_key($srek);

After that line just add:

var_dump( $action, $key );

Then try to confirm a subscription and let me know what are the 2 values that are shown at the very top of the page.

ThierryNK commented 3 years ago

string(1) "s" string(32) "9219b947e970f04c3658f434e250c8d2"

ThierryNK commented 3 years ago

And when confirming the subscription:

int(0) int(0)

BobaWebDev commented 3 years ago

Yeah, it doesn't know it's on a confirmation page, which is weird.

I tried making another comment to check the URL I get for confirmation, but I'm getting an error saying captcha response is incorrect.

It says onze + cinq, the answer should be 16, right?

ThierryNK commented 3 years ago

Hi There was something going bad with the safety challenge question.

Now the mail that I receive is not an url, it starts with x-webdoc://F856DA9D-D279-4BC8-BDFE-57016816BEFF/'

Other point, "Check your email to confirm your subscription." that appears when posting a comment, cannot be translated.

So, sorry, I will disable your plugin. I cannot make tests, leave debug messages, send unusable mails and not fully translated strings on a living website.

You can post here if you have any news.


BobaWebDev commented 3 years ago

Nothing specific comes to mind as the cause, so testing is the only thing that will lead to some answers, sorry.

If you can test, the next test would be to install WP Mail Logging plugin and then try a subscription. After that go to the mail log (WP admin > Tools > WP Mail Log) and try the confirmation URL from there. That would help point the debugging in the right direction.

ThierryNK commented 3 years ago

When I have more time, I will setup a sandbox website Meanwhile, if you want to do some tests, the configuration is the following, server Centos 94.0.7, Apache 2.4.46, ,php 7.4, Theme GeneratePress, Wordpress 5.7.1,