stdlib-js / google-summer-of-code

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[Idea]: achieve feature parity with builtin Node.js `fs` module #10

Open kgryte opened 1 year ago

kgryte commented 1 year ago


Achieve feature parity with Node.js fs package. We currently only support a limited selection of fs methods. Would be useful to support more.

Part of this work involves providing an abstraction layer of Node.js built-ins in order to support newer functionality (e.g., options and/or behavior) not present in older Node.js versions. This is similar in concept to the userland readable-stream package.

Expected Outcomes

stdlib will have complete feature parity with Node.js built-ins.

Involved Software

No other software is necessary.

Prerequisite Knowledge

JavaScript, Node.js.


Intermediate. Could require some creative solutions to ensure that abstractions work for older Node.js versions.

Project Length

175/350 hours. Can be scoped accordingly.

Potential Mentors

@kgryte @Planeshifter @steff456