stdlib-js / google-summer-of-code

Google Summer of Code resources.
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[Idea]: migrate web API documentation to use matomo and instrument for better understanding user navigation behavior #22

Open kgryte opened 1 year ago

kgryte commented 1 year ago


Currently, the stdlib web-based API docs use GA for analytics and have only minimal integration. E.g., the API docs application is a SPA which uses React and the app does not record changes in page views; we only record first hits.

The goal of this idea is to migrate to using matomo and take advantage of its privacy features. The work will involve instrumenting the API documentation application and integrating with matomo. A potential stretch goal would be to setup dashboards for reporting so that we can better understand user behavior and continue to improve project documentation.

Expected Outcomes

All user interaction data is logged to matomo and stored in a hosted database.

Involved Software

No other software is necessary.

Prerequisite Knowledge

JavaScript, Node.js, HTML/CSS, JSX/React.



Project Length

350 hours. Can be adjusted depending on skill and ability.

Potential Mentors

@kgryte @Planeshifter @steff456