stdlib-js / google-summer-of-code

Google Summer of Code resources.
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[RFC]: build a developer dashboard for tracking repository build status #39

Closed the-r3aper7 closed 5 months ago

the-r3aper7 commented 6 months ago



Full name

Sai Srikar Dumpeti

University status


University name

Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra

University program

Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science

Expected graduation


Short biography

I am a 2nd year B.Tech. Student in the department of Computer Science and Technology at Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra. I started my programming journey from 2019 in High School i.e 12th Standard. I am a self learnt programmer who likes to learn new things by creating new projects. Here are some programming languages and frameworks which I have learn:

In College I have completed many courses like Problem Solving with Programming in C, Object Oriented Programming, Data Structure and Algorithms and many more. Currently attending courses of Database Management Systems, Design Analysis of Algorithms, Operating System. My Interests lie in Web Development and creating new things.


Asia/Kolkata UTC +0530

Contact details


Linux (Fedora)


For development I use Fedora as Operating System and my editor is VSCode because it is simple to use, learning curve is less and comes with lots build int features like emmet features and extensions. However, I have learned basics of vim for working on servers.

Programming experience

I have significant knowledge of programming, when I first started to learn programming in high school where I started my first language with Python I was fascinated by it. Afterwards I started to explore various fields but Web Development caught my interest. I have created some projects using Django Framework. Then, I started to learn JavaScript so that I can learn React for the front-end. Then I started contributing to Open Source to learn new things and it was great for exploration. I have learned a lot from Open Source and met a lot of amazing people.

JavaScript experience

I've been having a great time learning JavaScript and working with it on front-end projects in open source environments. The best part about JavaScript is that you can literally build anything with it, from mobile apps with frameworks like React Native to web apps, games, and much more. Recently, I even came across a project where they built a whole operating system in the browser called OS.js

Problems with JavaScript is that it has loose typing which can lead to problems if you don't use tools like TypeScript to add type safety. While JSDoc can help with documentation, it doesn't enforce types.However, there is a RFC going on where we can Static Types in JavaScript in Future. Another challenge is callback hell where nested callbacks can make code difficult to read and hard to maintain.

Here are some of my works with JavaScript:

Node.js experience

I haven't directly worked with Node.js yet, but I did leverage the API features of Next.js v12 to create a file server interface for a local network. This project allowed for basic upload, download, and streaming functionalities. Check it out on GitHub here: Nextjs File Server

I'm definitely interested in getting more hands-on experience with Node.js in the future.

C/Fortran experience

While I haven't had the chance to create a full project in C yet, I did take a course in Programming for Problem Solving in C during college. This course involved implementing basic algorithms in C, which provided a strong foundation in the language's core concepts.

Interest in stdlib

While I am still developing my knowledge of statistics and machine learning algorithms, I have been impressed by the stdlib-js/stdlib library. It offers a collection of smaller, focused packages instead of a single, massive library that could bloat your bundle size. What particularly excites me is the ability to perform NumPy-like operations directly in the browser. The plotting API seems like a fantastic example of this functionality. I've also found the stdlib community to be very welcoming and approachable.

Version control

Yes, Currently I am using Git as primary VCS.

Contributions to stdlib

Here, are the statuses of some PR's which i have authored.

Status Merged

All PRs which are merged

Status Opened

All Prs which are opened

Issues Opened

All issues which are currently opened



Stdlib is a Open Source Project written in JavaScript, Stdlib provides 3000+ high performance packages which can be used for numerical and scientific computation, statistics. Since, it is written in JavaScript we can used it any where some mobile via react-native, Node.js and Browsers. My proposal is to create a developer dashboard for tracking build status of those 3000+ repository. We may want to achieve this using Reactjs and Fastify for backend which will serve static files and API responses.

Description for Project

For my completing my project I am going to divide it into 2 parts:

Here are some libraries and tools which will be useful in this project.

Roadmap to Status Dashboard

Roadmap to Historical overviews and other drill down metrics.

Project Documentation

To ensure the codebase remains well-documented, I plan to document it with each pull request (PR) I submit. This way, the documentation burden stays manageable, especially as deadlines approach. Specifically, I will focus on documenting the changes I introduce in each PR, keeping the overall documentation up-to-date without requiring a separate, time-consuming documentation task.

Why this project?

I am particularly interested in this project because it allows me to use my skills to create a tool that will positively affect the community. Best part of this, I can apply the frontend development skills I have learned through contributions to various open-source projects, along with my experience creating and working with APIs. This project presents a fantastic opportunity to use my knowledge and experience to work on something.

With the help of the developer dashboard, we can quickly view which packages have problems in their build status. This allows us to address issues for specific packages easily. Without the dashboard, you would have to go to every single package repository to check their build statuses. By using the dashboard, we can navigate and work more efficiently.


I've made significant contributions to several well-respected frameworks. Here are some highlights:

In addition to my open-source experience, I'm currently enrolled in a Database Management System (DBMS) course at college. This course is equipping me with the skills to execute queries efficiently and apply optimization techniques, which I'm eager to leverage in this project.

Prior art

Yes, there is similar project like this from npm where they are also tracking the build status, total downloads and many more things. From what I have understand from their Github Repo

They have created a folder named workspaces which contains 2 projects

All these things are automated by using GitHub Actions.


I plan on devoting my entire summer to this. I won't have any other kind of job, so I will be able to work a standard 40 hour week for the coding period. Also, my classes will end well before the coding period begins and will not start up again until well after the pencils down date, so I will be totally free for the whole period.


Weeks 1: Community Bonding & Planning

Weeks 2-4: Frontend Development & Core Functionality (Roadmap to Status Dashboard)

Weeks 5-7: Midterm and Per Package metrics (Roadmap to Historical overviews and per package metrics)

Week 8: Performance Optimization

Weeks 9-11: Testing & Refinement

Week 12: Finalization & Review



Pranavchiku commented 6 months ago

Hi @the-r3aper7 suggestions that you may incorporate in your proposal

How about linking a prototype wireframe to this? This will make things more clear. This is good. Thanks for your interest, looking forward to your contribution.

the-r3aper7 commented 6 months ago

Hi @the-r3aper7 suggestions that you may incorporate in your proposal

  • Please link websites created by you in Javascript Experience section
  • In version control please state which version control you have worked with
  • How are planning to fetch data and render on dashboard you create?

How about linking a prototype wireframe to this? This will make things more clear. This is good. Thanks for your interest, looking forward to your contribution.

Thanks @Pranavchiku will implement those suggestions.

kgryte commented 6 months ago

A few comments:

  1. How will the table header cell UI element for ordering work? Do you plan to have it work over all table elements or just those displayed?
  2. How will search work? What if I want to search for, say, all repos whose most recent builds are failing? Or which repos have >10 stars? And what if I want to "filter" for, say, all repos having names containing the substring "iter"?
  3. You've chosen to use pagination rather than infinite virtual scrolling. Can you describe why?
  4. Can you describe a bit more, in your own words, the need for this developer dashboard? What problem is trying to solve? Why is creating this dashboard important to the community?
  5. Currently, the website is implemented with React using class components. You've chosen, in your code snippets, to use hooks. Was this intentional? If so, why?
the-r3aper7 commented 6 months ago

1) So What I was thinking was to store a object in context provider like this {key: 'name(default)', orderBy: 'ascending'}. whenever user clicks on header cell this change the key in context and we will use memoize to sort the data accordingly or create a api route if performance degrades, and now we can render the data which we have fetched initially which has been sorted. That's why I have chosen pagination over infinite scroll. Problem with infinite scroll will be reordering the elements when the fetched data becomes huge and this will degrade the performance of the website.

2) No, I have not think in such a way It will be really nice implementation for search let me think of query design for this.

3) explained above

4) With the help of developer dashboard we quickly view which package is having problem in building such that we can quickly address the problem for that specific package easily and without the dashboard you will have to go to every single package repository to check there build statuses and all by using this we have a easy time navigating and working more efficiently.

5) It was not purely intentional as I have seen in says "Class components are still supported by React, but we don’t recommend using them in new code.". Although I have just shared how data fetching will work. If we are opting in for Class Based Components it's fine. I will update the code if you want but with functional based components we will can leverage more code reuse-ability, read-ability and can have more concise and maintainable code and React Team also RECOMMENDED it. I means it purely independent of what we choose, however we will achieve same the results in website.

kgryte commented 6 months ago

A few follow-up comments:

  1. Developers are not likely to need to view this on mobile devices, so I don't think that needs to be emphasized or even pursued. We should assume that the 99% use case will be stdlib devs viewing the dashboard from their desktops.
  2. You may want to peruse the code at, which implements a fastify server for serving our API documentation. It may be beneficial for understanding how we'd prefer the server code be organized.
kgryte commented 6 months ago

Also, do you have mock-ups for displaying drill down metrics on a per-package basis?

steff456 commented 6 months ago

Hi @the-r3aper7, thanks for opening this draft proposal. I just have one additional question:

  1. Status graphs views are going to be created only for the selected package?
the-r3aper7 commented 6 months ago

Hi @the-r3aper7, thanks for opening this draft proposal. I just have one additional question:

  1. Status graphs views are going to be created only for the selected package?

Yes as of now I thought graphs views are for the selected package.