stdlib-js / google-summer-of-code

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[Idea]: expand support for additional pseudorandom number generators #5

Open kgryte opened 1 year ago

kgryte commented 1 year ago


The goal of this idea is to implement a variety of PRNGs for use within stdlib to generate pseudorandom numbers. The project currently uses Mersenne Twister as its default PRNG; however, this PRNG, while common, is not ideal given its comparatively large internal state. Would be great to have a collection of PRNGs, such as PCG, Philox, Xorshift, and more.

Expected Outcomes

stdlib users will have a wide selection of PRNGs from which to choose from based on their individual needs and considerations. Having a large selection of PRNGs will useful when replicating the results of numerical simulations which may use a PRNG which is not one of the currently supported stdlib PRNGs. Additionally, a desired outcome would be if we could replace MT19937 with a new default PRNG.

Involved Software

No other software should be necessary. We may be a bit constrained based on 32-bit limitations in JS. This would not, however, stop us from implementing in C for use in generating arrays of random numbers.

Prerequisite Knowledge

JavaScript, Node.js. Familiarity with C/C++/Fortran would help.


Intermediate/Hard. Depends. Some PRNGs may be straightforward to implement. Others, not so much.

Project Length

175/350 hours. This idea can be adjusted according to needs and availability.

Potential Mentors

@kgryte @Planeshifter @Pranavchiku