stdlib-js / google-summer-of-code

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[RFC]: Achieve feature parity with async.js #50

Closed nightknighto closed 2 months ago

nightknighto commented 3 months ago

Full name

Ahmed Atwa

University status


University name

Ain Shams University

University program

Computer Engineering

Expected graduation


Short biography

I am Ahmed Atwa, a Computer Engineering student from Egypt, and a full-stack JavaScript developer with focus on MERN stack with TypeScript. I've been in the open-source scene for quite some time, having been in MLH Fellowship program for 3 months, contributed to multiple open-source organizations, made a few open-source projects and more.

I'm highly skilled in Fullstack web development, primarily with React in the frontend and Nodejs in the backend. My skills include:

For my technical experience:

Further more, aside from working in companies, I've been making my own projects for the past 3 years, finding my passion in the field through a huge variety of different personal projects that all use web technologies, ranging from a desktop application that designs user interface through drag-and-drop, to game development systems made with TypeScript, to an educational resource gatherer kind of website for my colleagues, and many many more that you can find in my Github.


GMT +2

Contact details,,, NightKnight on Element




VSCode, the typical and best editor for web development.

Programming experience

For my technical experience:

Furthermore, aside from working in companies, I've been making my own projects for the past 3 years, finding my passion in the field through a huge variety of different personal projects that all use web technologies, including:

JavaScript experience

I am a "JS-centric" developer, meaning that everything I do is in JavaScript or TypeScript. Whatever it is I want to do I simply search for a way to do it in JS, which includes:

So due to all that, I'd say I'm completely comfortable with JavaScript and know a lot about it with a lot of hands-on experience.

My favourite thing about it is that it is extremely flexible, allowing you to experiment and try any design pattern you want, any programming paradigm, basically no restrictions in how you write your code and design stuff. Add TypeScript for type-checking and you get the perfect dream language in my opinion.

My least favourite thing about JavaScript is that it hasn't invaded the whole world yet.

Node.js experience

A lot of experience in NodeJS, whether through:

Some of the most notable experiences with it:

C/Fortran experience

I know limited C, worked on some Embedded Systems projects from college. I also know C++, used to be very passionate about Arduino and electronics and making projects with arduino with C++.

Interest in stdlib

What caught my interest in stdlib that was different from other organizations, is how extremely well everything is documented and structured. There is a huge noticeable emphasis on documentation, whether through READMEs, the examples or the JSDocs, the whole ecosystem is really inviting to dive into and contribute to it and I loved that so much.

The idea of stdlib itself is also something that can have a huge effect on so many developers, and so contributing to such a project means that your effect can extend to the lives and work of thousands of developers. I don't like anything more than to work on something that can have a big impact on so many people.

Version control

Yes. Mainly use Git in every project.

Contributions to stdlib

Currently I have 3 open PRs, all of which are awaiting review.



The goal of this project will be to have a complete set of async APIs for all kind of various operations. By reaching a 1:1 feature parity with async.js APIs, stdlib will be a perfect replacement for async.js and the need for installing additional libraries alongside stdlib will be decreased further and further.

Async APIs are a very important part of the JavaScript ecosystem, and having a complete set of them in stdlib will be a huge step forward for the project and the community. Not only are most of the APIs in async.js very useful, but also the fact that they are async means that they are very important for performance and for the modern web.


Refactoring packages to enable Observability

Currently there are 36 packages inside utils/async that can potentially be refactored to return status objects that can indicate the status of each async function execution or each step.

Whether this will be pursued or not, and whether all packages would be refactored or a set of them, is to be decided by the maintainers.

Directly inspired by node-vasync, the status object returned from the functions or passed to the callback could look like this:

status: { operations:
   [], // array storing the status of each async step, depends on what type of function. For `parallel` would be each function status.
  successes: [], // successful outputs
  ndone: 0, // number of successes
  nerrors: 0 // number of fails / errors

Exact format is to be decided with the maintainers in the Community Bonding period, and may vary greatly depending on what package it is.

Adding new packages

Comparing the APIs of async.js with the APIs of stdlib, we can see that there are a lot of APIs that are missing from stdlib. The goal of this project will be to implement all of these APIs, and to make sure that they are all well-documented and tested.

Categorizing the APIs as in async.js, the APIs that are missing from stdlib are:

Control Flow

This makes a total of 32 APIs that are missing from stdlib. The mentors will set the priorities to ensure that the most important APIs are implemented first, then the less important ones.

Note: Each of the API will include the variations from limit and series in the same API, as opposed to async.js where they are separate APIs.

Each of the APIs will be planned well and discussed with the mentors before implementation. Some may be redundant or not needed, as will be decided with the mentors.

The project can also include improving the existing APIs in stdlib to extend their functionality or add options to them.

Improving the existing APIs (if time allows)

Why this project?

This project is a huge opportunity for me to practice JS in creating library APIs, and to learn a lot about the language and the ecosystem. It expands deeply into NodeJS, JS OOP, async programming, and the JavaScript ecosystem in general. Learning and working on APIs that are to be used by developers is the best way to master a language, and I am very excited to work on this project.


My qualifications stem from my experience in JavaScript and NodeJS that are very relevant to the project and are described in detail in the previous sections. This experience enables me to understand the project and its requirements, and to work on it effectively and efficiently. I also know very well how to create maintainable and clean code.

I have used JS async programming in many of my projects, and I have a good understanding of the language and its ecosystem. I have also worked on many open-source projects and have a good understanding of the open-source community and its standards.

I am also familiar with the stdlib project and its structure, and I have already contributed to it. This makes me a good fit for the project and enables me to work on it effectively.

Prior art


I will be having my final exams in the first 4 weeks of the coding period, so at that time I will be able to work for 1-2 hours daily. After that, I will be fully available for the project for the rest of the Summer and will be able to work full-time on it, ~40 hours/week, as much as needed to keep up with the project's timeline. The first 4 weeks will be compensated for by extending the project's timeline by 4 weeks, as allowed by the GSoC rules.


Given uncertainty in how many of the missing APIs are desired to be added, whether the maintainers will decide to pursue the Observability refactoring and whether for all of the existing APIs or a set of them, it became much harder to plan a definite timeline for the deliverables given that many of the details are to be decided with the maintainers.

So, I will leave the old schedule (one which assumed only adding new APIs), and create a new schedule that will assume we want to refactor all 36 existing APIs for observability, and the rest of the program adding new APIs.

Old Schedule (No observability refactoring and implementing all new APIs)

Assuming a 16 week schedule (including the extended 4 weeks),

In this period, I will be focusing on discussing all the deliverables with the mentors, planning each API in detail and opening an issue for each one that describes the requirements and the implementation notes for them. Similar to how I did with the parallel API.

In this period we will also decide on how exactly the timeline will go like, which new APIs are needed, which APIs (or all of them) will need observability, and more.

In this period, I will continue to define any APIs left from the Community Bonding Period. I will also work on the less complex APIs that require less time to implement from the Collection category. This can also be a great period for continued discussion and prototyping for future work, for example converting a few packages and adding a few new APIs and investigate the implementation details and the understanding with the mentors, so that when the heavy schedule begins, everything is much clearer and will be more productive with less need for requesting changes.

Implement all the APIs in the Collection category, fully documented, tested and reviewed.

Implement all the APIs in the Control Flow category, fully documented, tested and reviewed.

Implement all the APIs in the Utils category, fully documented, tested and reviewed.

Implement any remaining APIs. This week will be used to catch up on any APIs that were not implemented in the previous weeks.

Work on improving the existing APIs.

Finish off any remaining work, ensure all the APIs are fully documented, tested and reviewed, and that all PRs are merged. Open new issues for any bugs that were found during the project, or any improvements that can be made to the APIs. Submit the final report and the final evaluation..

New schedule (including Observability refactoring and limiting of new APIs)

Assumptions: 1- All 36 existing APIs are desired to be observable 2- The priority of observability on existing APIs is higher than the priority of creating new APIs.

Assuming a 16 week schedule (including the extended 4 weeks),

In this period, I will be focusing on discussing all the deliverables with the mentors, planning each API in detail and opening an issue for each one that describes the requirements and the implementation notes for them. Similar to how I did with the parallel API.

In this period we will also decide on how exactly the timeline will go like, which new APIs are needed, which APIs (or all of them) will need observability, and more.

Convert a few packages for observability. This can also be a great period for continued discussion and prototyping for future work, for example converting a few packages and adding a few new APIs and investigate the implementation details and the understanding with the mentors, so that when the heavy schedule begins, everything is much clearer and will be more productive with less need for requesting changes.

Convert 9-12 packages for observability

Convert 9-12 packages for observability

Convert 9-12 packages for observability

Fully finish the conversion for observability, ensure all observability is finished and merged. Week 11 can also include implementing new APIs.

Implement the decided-on new APIs. Estimated 6-9 APIs depending on the complexity of each.

Implement additional 3 new APIs.

Finish off any remaining work, ensure all the APIs are fully documented, tested and reviewed, and that all PRs are merged. Open new issues for any bugs that were found during the project, or any improvements that can be made to the APIs. Submit the final report and the final evaluation..

My own notes:


Related issues

No response


kgryte commented 3 months ago

@Deadreyo Thank you for sharing your draft proposal. A few comments:

  1. Extending the timeline to accommodate your exams should be fine.
  2. As mentioned in the original idea issue thread, there is the idea of refactoring some of the existing APIs. In particular, this is motivated by and the idea of enabling observability. One of the issues with async.js is that one does not have an easy mechanism for knowing the current status or being able to query on an ad-hoc basic. The idea behind vasync is to share a stateful object that the library updates as results come in. We'd want to decide whether to pursue this refactoring, and if so, would likely want to set about updating the existing utils/async packages. As some of the APIs in your list we will not likely want to pursue, I believe we should be able to accommodate the refactoring in your proposed schedule.
steff456 commented 3 months ago

@Deadreyo thanks for opening this draft proposal!

I have a few comments to add,

  1. You should add some time in your schedule for reviews, specially in the last couple of weeks to make sure you are able to merge successfully all the PRs before the program ends not just one week.
  2. I also feel that the amount of packages is ambitious, but as @kgryte already mentioned there may be some that will not be included so we can refine that later.
nightknighto commented 3 months ago

A lot of details are ambiguous like how many new APIs are needed, how many existing APIs need to be observable (if at all, as the idea still seems to be in consideration). This made it too hard to predict exactly on what I will be working on during the program and creating a schedule, so I've decided to keep the old one and create a new schedule with some assumptions. Hope that is okay, as I couldn't think of another solution.

  1. As mentioned in the original idea issue thread, there is the idea of refactoring some of the existing APIs.

Included this in the new schedule.

  1. You should add some time in your schedule for reviews, specially in the last couple of weeks to make sure you are able to merge successfully all the PRs before the program ends not just one week.


Thank you both for your inputs!