stdlib-js / google-summer-of-code

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[RFC]: Developer dashboard for tracking stdlib ecosystem build failures #64

Closed Rec0iL99 closed 2 months ago

Rec0iL99 commented 3 months ago

Full name

Joel Mathew Koshy

University status


University name

University of Windsor

University program

Master of Applied Computing

Expected graduation

September 2024

Short biography

I am a master's student at the University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada. After completing my bachelor's degree in India I moved to Canada last year to pursue a master's degree. I specialize in building full-stack web applications using tools such as React, JavaScript/TypeScript, Node.js, PostgreSQL, Redis, and GraphQL. As part of my academic journey, I have completed relevant courses such as Advanced Software Engineering, Advanced System Programming in C, Advanced Database Topics, Data Structures and Algorithms, Operating Systems, Theory of Computation, and Internet Applications and Distributed Systems. Additionally, I am an active contributor to the ESLint open-source project, a crucial tool in the JavaScript ecosystem. I contribute by addressing GitHub issues, handling pull requests, and debugging problems that software developers encounter while using the tool.


Eastern Daylight Saving Time, Toronto, ON (GMT-4)

Contact details,,github:Rec0iL99,gitter:@rec0il99-5e378041d73408ce4fd8811e




My preferred code editor is VSCode, and I favour it for its lightweight and extensive nature. The ability to customize your editor by building your own extension or downloading one makes VSCode a favourite. A code editor that has caught my eye recently is Zed, and I'm exploring the editor more since VSCode has started showing performance problems when I open large projects.

Programming experience

I took a few programming courses in C++ during high school and became interested in programming, which led me to pursue a career in software development. For my first software project, I built an Android app for my church to maintain contact records of its members. During college, I dedicated most of my time to developing mobile apps. It wasn't until one of my professors needed a website that I began exploring JavaScript. Since then, I have been developing web apps in React and JavaScript, and I still thoroughly enjoy it. I'm currently learning Rust as a new programming language since most projects in the JavaScript ecosystem have started adopting Rust into parts of their projects.

JavaScript experience

Since 2020, I have been programming in JavaScript. Recently, I began diving into the advanced features of JavaScript through my work with ESLint. JavaScript is indeed a fascinating language, especially because of its flexibility. From websites and mobile apps to desktop apps and command-line tools, you can build virtually anything with JavaScript. One of my favourite features of JavaScript is the spread operator. For example, you can natively merge two arrays in JavaScript by using the spread operator.

const first = [1, 2, 3, 4]
const second = [5, 6]

// [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
console.log([...first, ...second])

Destructing objects in JavaScript is also something I enjoy using since it makes code more readable.

// a sample React component
function Example({ name }) {
  // the default argument of props to a functional component was destructed and name was retrieved 

Node.js experience

I have a good knowledge of Node.js, as I have been developing backend APIs using Node.js and Express.js for a while now. One project that I built using Node.js is CodeRoyale, a coding contest platform. This platform enables users to create rooms, invite friends using generated links, form teams, and engage in real-time coding competitions. Another project that I'm proud of is Grupo, which allows developers to create real-time chat rooms like Gitter.

C/Fortran experience

I recently completed a course in Advanced System Programming, where I had the opportunity to work with C and Linux system calls. As part of my class project, I implemented a socket server that allows multiple clients to connect to the server and perform operations such as running bash commands, requesting files from the server, and downloading files from the server as compressed .tar.gz files. I had a lot of fun taking this course, and I'm proud of what I accomplished throughout it.

Interest in stdlib

I was searching for GSoC organizations to contribute to during the GSoC period, and I came across stdlib. Previously, people used Python for data visualization, and achieving this natively in web browsers used to be difficult, if not impossible. Now, this can be achieved easily using a library like stdlib, which provides data visualization APIs, something that fascinates me. The library also offers other utility functions for data manipulation, math operations, string manipulation, etc.

Version control


Contributions to stdlib


Technology Stack

I aim to build the developer dashboard with minimal tooling and tools that the core maintainers are already familiar with to ensure easy maintenance post-GSoC and to require minimal ramp-up time to get up and running. I also aim to make the stdlib community well aware of the development status of the dashboard over the summer, such as creating a tracking issue, etc.


Technology/Library Info/Reason
React + Vite (JavaScript) Vite (React) is known for it's efficient build process and performance. After having a chat with one of the mentors I realized going with JavaScript over a typed system like TypeScript would be a better choice because the core stdlib is written in JavaScript and choosing JavaScript would also help contributors who contribute to the core stdlib library, switch over and easily contribute to the dashboard, thus increasing the pool of potential contributors to the dashboard repo.
react-router-dom Makes routing possible for React components and dynamic routing for eg. /modules/:module-name. Plus, the stdlib website already uses this library, so the maintainers are already familiar with this library.
@tanstack/react-table Helps in building complex data tables in React with ease.
Tailwind CSS CSS framework for building the UI, which has been used in stdlib before. Therefore, the core maintainers are familiar with this technology.
Nivo Chart component library for React with active maintenance and quite popular among React devs


Technology/Library Info/Reason
Fastify The stdlib website uses Fastify already for the server backend and the maintainers are familiar with it. Note: I haven't built a backend using Fastify before, but I have experience with Express.js. I believe the skills I have gained with Express.js are transferrable to building the backend with Fastify.
pg A lightweight Node.js client for PostgreSQL databases, most used by Node.js developers with active maintenance and a good open source community.


Technology/Library Info/Reason
ESLint Since we won't be using a typed system like TypeScript, using a popular linter like ESLint will help with finding problems or bugs in JavaScript code faster.

Proposed Methodology

Note: All the design prototypes shared here will not reflect the end product as is. There will be elements added and design changes according to the requirements of the mentors and stdlib community.

Index Page

This would be the front page that is seen by the users while launching the domain (for eg. which would have a data table containing information on the various repositories hosted by the stdlib GitHub organization.

Screenshot 2024-03-29 at 12 32 44 AM

Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 3 58 53 AM

Screenshot 2024-03-29 at 2 05 37 AM

Table columns


stdlib hosts more than 3500 repositories, and fetching all 3500+ repo data at once from the backend API will not be ideal. For this, the index page will utilize offset-based pagination with infinite scroll.

Working: When the page first renders, a request is sent to the backend API for a list of repositories and their respective data. The backend API responds by sending a list of 10 (this number can change) repository data from the database, which contains over 3500 repositories. This data is then rendered to the user in the data table. As the user scrolls and reaches the end of the page, a new request is sent to the backend API for the next list/page of repository data. This cycle continues until there are no more repository data to be sent from the backend API. Each request from the frontend will contain an offset value, which is the number of rows to skip from the previous page.

Example SQL query,

select r.*
from stdlib_github.repository r
order by
limit 10 offset 0
Page Offset
1 0
2 10
3 20
.. ..

offset = (page - 1) * 10

This query will retrieve 10 repos and their data from the database. The equation to calculate the offset value for each page is mentioned above.


For the first iteration of the dashboard, we could include search filters for repo names and build status.

For example, if a maintainer wanted to search for a repo that contains the keyword math, the search would return all the repos that contain math in the repo title.

> math
---Search Results
- math-base-special-atan2
- math-base-tools-evalrational-compile
- math-base-tools-evalrational-compile-c
- ...

Example SQL query,

select r.*
from stdlib_github.repository r
where like '%math%'

The user can also search based on build status.

For example, specifying build:fail will return repos that have a build status of failing.

> math build:fail
---Search Results
- math-base-tools-evalrational-compile
- ...

This search filter can also be combined with the keyword search like the example above.


Clicking on the filter button beside the search bar will open up a modal/dialog that allows the user to filter repositories based on their status, such as private, public, or archived. For example, selecting "public" from the dropdown select instead of "all" will only render public repositories in the data table. Optionally the user will be able to select public or private repos that are archived from the same filter modal.

Data Refresh

The user will be able to refresh the page to retrieve the latest data from the database by clicking on the refresh icon button in the header. This triggers a new network request to the backend API to obtain the latest details, and the number of pages (pagination) won't be lost but will be preserved.

Sorting button

The user will be able to sort the columns in the data table by clicking on the sort icon button. For example, clicking on the sort button in the build status column will bring the packages that have builds failing to the top of the data table.

Individual Repository Page

Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 3 43 06 AM

Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 3 43 39 AM

Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 3 44 09 AM

Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 3 44 38 AM

Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 3 45 00 AM

Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 3 03 28 AM

Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 3 03 54 AM

Metrics Dashboard

Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 3 18 05 AM

Based on feedback from mentors, I've created this page (a skeleton) to display total usage metrics. I believe that if and when the proposal is accepted and I gain access to the raw data on usage metrics in the private database, I will be able to design a better way to display the usage metrics.

Figma Doc Database Schema Visualizer

Why this project?

I have been working closely with the TSC team maintaining ESLint, and keeping track of issues, PRs, releases, build events, etc., can be frustrating sometimes, as the team may lose track. I can only imagine how difficult this is for the core maintainers of stdlib, where the GitHub organization hosts more than 3500 repositories. Having a developer dashboard to manage and keep track of all these repos in one place for the maintainers and making the process of maintaining stdlib easier is something that excites me to contribute to this project. Developing this dashboard involves tailoring it to the specific needs of the stdlib maintainers and community. I believe this project will be a great help to the maintainers and community of stdlib.


This project requires experience working with React, Node.js and PostgreSQL, of which I have utilized in my projects CodeRoyale and Grupo, as mentioned earlier. In these projects, I implemented various features such as building API routes, pagination, writing complex SQL queries, fetching data from the GitHub API, etc. These skills will enable me to effectively implement this proposal on time.

Prior art

This project has been implemented before for the NPM GitHub organization for tracking build failures.


By the time development starts, I will be in my last semester with a single course to complete. Hence, I will be able to allocate 25 hours/week for this project. If my proposal is accepted, I will request my academic program coordinator to substitute my course with the developer dashboard project, in which case I can work more than 35 hours/week.


Assuming a 12 week schedule,

Community Bonding Period:

Week 1, 2, 3:

Week 4 & 5:

Week 6 & 7: (midterm)

Week 8 & 9:

Week 10 & 11:

Week 12 (final week):


Related issues



Planeshifter commented 3 months ago

Thanks for your comprehensive proposal, which demonstrates that you put thought and effort into the design for the developer dashboard! Your proposal outlines a thoughtful selection of technologies for the frontend and has clear, well-defined goals. One suggestion of mine would be to think about some of the challenges you may encounter (for example, would need to be mindful of the GitHub rate limits when doing GitHub search queries to obtain the number of open issues and PRs for the various tools) and what contingency plans you would have in case of falling behind schedule, especially given your academic commitments during the summer. Your experience aligns well with the project requirements and you have demonstrated your open-source chops through your contributions to ESLint, which are much appreciated!

kgryte commented 3 months ago

Thanks for sharing a draft of your proposal, @Rec0iL99! A few comments:

Rec0iL99 commented 3 months ago

Thank you @Planeshifter @kgryte for the feedback. I'll incorporate the feedback into my proposal for submission tomorrow.