stdlib-js / google-summer-of-code

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[RFC]: building a better Node.js REPL #69

Closed Snehil-Shah closed 2 months ago

Snehil-Shah commented 3 months ago

Full name

Snehil Shah

University status


University name

Indian Institute of Information Technology, Nagpur

University program

Computer Science and Engineering

Expected graduation


Short biography

I am a 2nd year engineering student at the Indian Institute of Information Technology, Nagpur, India pursuing my Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Engineering. My first introduction to computer science was in high school through Python about 4 years ago. As I entered college, I was introduced to C/C++ and a lot of maths, and practiced data structures and algorithms in my first semester. Soon I delved into development and well, was introduced to JavaScript and Typescript. Started with full stack development using React, Express, and MongoDB and later went on to explore various backend technologies and DevOps as well, building various projects along the way. I even started contributing to open-source in projects and domains I love.


Indian Standard Time (GMT+5:30)

Contact details

Email: Github: Snehil-Shah LinkedIn: snehil-shah-dev




My preferred code editor is VSCode because of how configurable and feature-rich it is, especially for development in JavaScript. Extensions bring about more helpful features like ESlint warnings in the editor itself making it easier to keep up with consistent code quality.

Programming experience

I learned Python in high school and C/C++ in college and have experience solving algorithmic problems with them. I then ventured into learning JavaScript and web development and later learned Golang and various frameworks & backend technologies (like the MERN, Cobra etc) while building many projects, from web apps to CLI tools along the way! One of the big ones I made is Seismic Alerts Streamer, which aims to connect Seismology providers directly to the public in a scalable architecture. I built it around a pub-sub model utilizing Apache Kafka and it features the ability to view live logs of seismic activity from around the world and also view them in an interactive map view built using React.

JavaScript experience

I learned JavaScript as part of a course at my college. I later learned various JavaScript frameworks like Express and React through a full-stack project which is a simple GitHub project planner that I made utilizing the GitHub API.

My open-source journey till now further strengthened my grasp on JavaScript.

Things I like about JavaScript:

Node.js experience

Most of my experience in Node.js is through Express.js which I have used in various backend-dependent projects (like the one above). Working on the REPL for the past month did teach me a lot about node's readline module and making CLI interfaces using it.

C/Fortran experience

C was the first language I was introduced to in college and I have a good grasp of it as I have experience in solving various competitive problems around data structures and algorithms. I also built a small movie ticketing system mini-project as part of my college course which is a simple terminal-based ticket booking system backed by a MySQL backend. I don't have any experience with Fortran though.

Interest in stdlib

Whenever we think of data analysis and engineering, Python comes to mind even though JavaScript is used to build literally everything from websites to mobile/desktop apps to CLI tools. Stdlib's mission in bridging this gap is a great one and I would love to be a part of it. I have used various string-related methods from stdlib in many of my contributions and I like how well-documented and easy to use they are. I have just cracked the surface though as the library is HUGE.

I also like how welcoming stdlib is to new contributors with so many resources in place to get on board and responsive & helpful maintainers. I have never written code for a professional library before so getting through my first PR here taught me so many good practices that need to be taken care of like writing JSDocs and consistent code styling to name a few. Contributing to this project definitely made me a better programmer and I wish to learn more!

Version control


Contributions to stdlib


The REPL is a staple for individuals who are learning, prototyping, debugging, and exploring the language, as well as its APIs and libraries, all without the need to write and execute entire scripts. For a library emphasizing numerical and scientific computing, a well-featured REPL becomes an essential tool allowing users to easily visualize and work with data in an interactive environment. The stdlib REPL aims to be a better alternative to the node.js REPL with a specialized focus on scientific computing and data analysis using tailored features and tutorials to help individuals get started.

The goal of this project is to implement various enhancements to the stdlib REPL. The improvements proposed are listed below:

Why this project?

As a JavaScript developer, the NodeJS REPL is lacking in many ways, and there aren't many alternatives out there. This project can positively impact the NodeJS ecosystem, by providing a powerful yet easy-to-use REPL to the community. This excites me about this project and I would love to be a part of this journey!


I have studied JavaScript along with core computer science subjects like object oriented programming, algorithms, operating systems, computer architecture, Linux & git in college. I also fairly understand the REPL codebase to be able to execute on the proposal.

Prior art

Prior arts for specific features are mentioned in the abstract.


My summer break from college starts May 15. So, during the coding period (starting May 27), I would be available full-time for around 2 months with no other commitments. I would be able to commit 40+ hrs/week for 2 months. Then with 1 month along with college, I will be able to devote around 20 hrs/week for the remaining month.

I would be able to commit around 400 hours to the program.


Assuming a 12 week schedule,

Related issues


Feature-specific issues are mentioned in the abstract.


Snehil-Shah commented 3 months ago

@kgryte Would really appreciate some feedback as only a few days are remaining till the deadline.

I also had some doubts regarding less/more documentation pager and custom key bindings as mentioned in this draft proposal, would like some clarity..

kgryte commented 3 months ago

@Snehil-Shah Thanks for sharing a draft of your proposal and for your thorough discussion of the various tasks. A few comments:

steff456 commented 3 months ago

Hi @Snehil-Shah thanks for opening this draft proposal!

I see that your proposal is really ambitious and I'm not fully clear if you are expecting to add all of these features to the REPL. I think the scope is too big, specially because just creating a syntax highlighter can take several weeks without testing, and the same goes for the autocompletion idea. I will recommend you to focus on one idea and detail more how and why you think that is interesting as a project for you, I think this aligns with the last comment from @kgryte.

kgryte commented 3 months ago

Building on Stephannie's comment, I think the scope is possible, but it certainly requires many things going right. Auto-closing brackets (see, for example, was something that ended up taking about a month to get over the finish line due to scoping, refactoring, addressing corner cases, and review. In order for us to execute on all the various tasks, we'd need to have strong alignment and a strong sense as to how the implementations will work.

And agreed on syntax highlighting. There may be a number of small changes that we'll need to make to the REPL codebase to make this happen, and some of these changes will likely be prerequisite. So having an idea of what changes may need to be made may help with scoping and timeline.

Hence, it may be good to have a list of smaller, very concrete tasks which lend themselves to small, regular PRs, and then some larger, more open-ended tasks which can be done in parallel.