stdlib-js / google-summer-of-code

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[RFC]: build a developer dashboard for tracking ecosystem build failures #75

Closed alextes90 closed 2 months ago

alextes90 commented 3 months ago

Full name

Aleksandr Teslin

University status


University name

No response

University program

No response

Expected graduation

No response

Short biography

I have started developer career after RS-school courses (2019). (It is very strong practical oriented JS courses conducted with the help of EPAM and is woking on outsource principal. They are free and after success graduated they a welcome yesterday's student to take part in learning process as mentors, now I am taking part there as mentor).

After school I was working on the following projects:

  1. E-commerce platform. Stack: Typescript, React, NextJs, Docker, Scss, Headless CMS, MUI. Frontend Developer. (2020)
  2. Streaming media platform. Stack: Typescript, React, Next.js, NextUI, SCSS, CI/CD - Vercel. Frontend Developer. (2021)
  3. Advice Platform. Stack: TypeScript, React, Next.js, tRPC, react-query, Prisma, TailwindCSS, PostgreSQL, shadnc-ui, Zustand, next-i18next, Full-stack Developer (2022/2023)
  4. Publicis groupe. Stack: TypeScript, React, Astro js, TailwindCSS, Playwright, Node.js. Full-stack developer (2023 - current time)

    My general interest are: TS/JS, frontend development and all modern way of writing of writing applications. I am learning now AWS and app architecture.



Contact details,github:alextes90





Programming experience

3 years. Here I want to share an app. This app use T3 stack. (NextJS, Prisma, Tailwind, tRPC). Back and front fully type saved. Monorepo. Very interesting and quick way of creating full-stack app. And it is very similar to what is need for dashboard for tracking ecosystem build failures.

JavaScript experience

3 years. I am big fan of Typescript. And I am not that big fun of JS. Particular I do not like dynamic typing. What I like is modern way of working with array. And especially spread operator.

Node.js experience

1.5 years I have pasted nodeJS courses. And woking with it for the begging as part on NextJS, but then as separate app creating. I have minor experience with NestJS as well. Can write server on my own with NestJS, express.

C/Fortran experience

Now previous experience

Interest in stdlib

I have not used stdlib before. Nevertheless I am a big fun of math and it is cool that you have created such a library. As the will be opportunity to use it, I will do with great pleasure.

Version control


Contributions to stdlib It is still open, but only some Lint issues have to be fixed


I can suggest to use T3 stack (NextJS, TypeScript, Tailwind, tRPC). As for me for now it is the easiest and fastest way of creating not big full-stack app. The solution is rather new and at the same time stable enough to work with. Front will be like React based (as NextJS is a framework creating on top of React. We can chose between 13 and 14 version. I suggest 13 as more stable) Backend - nodejs wich is part of NextJS. To work with database I suggest Prisma. (As I see the number of tables to query in not that big) The cons of using NextJS it will send some working HTML even if JS will be disabled in browser. Which could not been achieved using vanilla React

Why this project?

I like that it will be greenfield project and we can test there modern frontend approach.


I have created one project exactly with T3 stack. ( I work with NextJS for more than 3 years, as well as TypeScript, Tailwind, React. Less with NodeJs

Prior art

There is a link to already existing project in ideas (


I expect to contribute up to 30 hr/week during GSoC and up to 4 hr/week before and after


Assuming a 12 week schedule,

working days - up to 4 hr/day weekends - up to 8 hr/day ~30 hr/day

working days - up to 4 hr/day weekends - up to 8 hr/day ~30 hr/day

working days - up to 4 hr/day weekends - up to 8 hr/day ~30 hr/day

working days - up to 4 hr/day weekends - up to 8 hr/day ~30 hr/day

working days - up to 4 hr/day weekends - up to 8 hr/day ~30 hr/day

working days - up to 4 hr/day weekends - up to 8 hr/day ~30 hr/day

working days - up to 4 hr/day weekends - up to 8 hr/day ~30 hr/day

working days - up to 4 hr/day weekends - up to 8 hr/day ~30 hr/day

working days - up to 4 hr/day weekends - up to 8 hr/day ~30 hr/day

working days - up to 4 hr/day weekends - up to 8 hr/day ~30 hr/day

working days - up to 4 hr/day weekends - up to 8 hr/day ~30 hr/day

working days - up to 4 hr/day weekends - up to 8 hr/day ~30 hr/day

working days - up to 4 hr/day weekends - up to 8 hr/day ~30 hr/day

working days - up to 4 hr/day weekends - up to 8 hr/day ~30 hr/day


Related issues

No response
