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API docs should include main website footer #3

Closed kgryte closed 4 years ago

kgryte commented 4 years ago


Please ensure the following tasks are completed before filing a bug report.


Description of the issue.

The API docs should include the main website footer (or something similar). Currently, the footer lacks corresponding styling and is misaligned.

At some point, because we use GA, we need to link to our privacy policy, both in the API docs and on the main website.

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Actual Results

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Planeshifter commented 4 years ago

The footer is now styled. Feedback is welcome.

kgryte commented 4 years ago
  1. We need to make the footer be center on the README content, not the page. Otherwise, when the drawer is shown, the footer content is page centered, which looks odd/unexpected when compared to the main content.
  2. Also, we need to move the footer to just below the fold (i.e., screen view) when main content is too short to fill an entire page. Otherwise, when the drawer is shown and the main content is insufficiently long, we show the footer above the fold, which is odd/unexpected when the side drawer extends to the bottom of the screen.

    This will likely mean that we may want specialized styling (CSS) for the footer when included in the API docs, as opposed to the main website and TypeScript docs.

kgryte commented 4 years ago

When the drawer is open, I find to be a bit odd/less than optimal that the footer can scroll above the bottom of the window and be adjacent to the bottom of the drawer. However, when the drawer is closed, it is fine.

For now, I think this is fine. We may want to revisit should we want the footer to include additional categories and navigation items. At which point, we'd want to opt for a full width footer residing below all content, including the side drawer. The side drawer would only scroll up on the page once we have reached the end of the main content. This would introduce a bit of complexity we can forgo for now.