steadfasterX / android_i927_sediROM

sediROM for the Samsung Captivate Glide / SGH - I927. All scripts needed to run sediROM.
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Hardware Keyboard on i927 Does Not Work on Contact Edit #15

Open FreshAirMan opened 8 years ago

FreshAirMan commented 8 years ago


Physical keyboard on i927 does allow to edit the fields in contact in contact detail form (e.g. middle name field). The arrows up and down are working ok and they are moving cursor to previous field in contact detail edit form. The physical keyboard is working fine in browser or other applications. In contact detail edit form only a software keyboard works to edit correctly. I have second i927, where I have tried to flash sediROM v1.7.6 together with factory reset and the problem seems to be the same on this second phone (originally Rogers, but using same ROM).

So currently instead of in build AT&T contact manager I am for entering and editing contacts using the contact manager from True Phone, which is working correctly with i927 hardware keyboard. It does the job for me even not being perfect.

I am using sediROMv1.7.6., kernel 3.1.10-I927UCLJ3-CL970642, SHG-I927. I am using Atom Launcher.

steadfasterX commented 8 years ago

thanks for reporting! I can confirm this. very weird. I will look if I can solve this