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What is It? #49

Open frank-dspeed opened 4 years ago

frank-dspeed commented 4 years ago

Is it a Highly scalable realtime framework ?

Yes! for NodeJS, GraalJS, embedded IoT, and the Browsers


Yes! Develop with agility. Perform at any scale. Manage with ease.

Develop with agility

Time to market is critical, separating the first mover from everyone else. Developing an application today without knowing all of its needs at the outset requires a database that provides flexibility in schema and access patterns that empowers developers to build responsive, flexible applications at scale.

frank-dspeed commented 4 years ago

frank-dspeed commented 4 years ago

Compare to CB Design

MDS Multi dimensional scale

All encapsulated by the cluster-manager. As part of the core database engine, Couchbase provides an elastic Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS) architecture that supports both scale-up and scale-out approaches. MDS allows you to separate the different data processing workloads as distinct, independently scalable services. You can independently configure and scale (up or out) the data, index, query, Full Text Search, and Analytics Services based on your data management processing requirements and application workloads. This gives you both the scalability to deliver responsive customer applications and the flexibility to adapt to new and changing workloads and application requirements.

MDS is particularly well-suited for the cloud where compute, storage, and memory resources are typically allocated and expensed separately. MDS allows you to independently configure and scale your compute, storage, and memory resources for each service. This results in a more efficient allocation and use of resources, ultimately reducing your overall cost of operations in the cloud. Includes: Multi-Dimensional Scaling


The full list of services provided is as follows:

Data: Supports the storing, setting, and retrieving of data-items, specified by key.

Query: Parses queries specified in the N1QL query-language, executes the queries, and returns results. The Query Service interacts with both the Data and Index services.

Index: Creates indexes, for use by the Query Service.

Search: Creates indexes specially purposed for Full Text Search. This supports language-aware searching; allowing users to search for, say, the word beauties, and additionally obtain results for beauty and beautiful.

Analytics: Supports join, set, aggregation, and grouping operations; which are expected to be large, long-running, and highly consumptive of memory and CPU resources.

Eventing: Supports near real-time handling of changes to data: code can be executed both in response to document-mutations, and as scheduled by timers


Data: Couchbase Server stores data as items. Each item consists of a key, by which the item is referenced; and an associated value, which must be either binary or a JSON document.

See Data for information.

Buckets, Memory, and Storage: Items are stored in named Buckets; being kept only in memory, others both in memory and on disk.

See Buckets, Memory, and Storage for information.

Services and Indexes: Services can be deployed to support different forms of data-access: for example, the Data Service allows items to be retrieved by key; while the Query Service allows them to be retrieved by means of queries, designed in the N1QL query-language. Individual services can be configured to run across multiple cluster-nodes, allowing high-priority workloads to be distributed and scaled appropriately. Indexes support services, by enabling high-performance access to data.

See Services and Indexes for information.

Clusters and Availability: A single node running Couchbase Server is considered a cluster of one node. As successive nodes are initialized, each can be configured to join the existing cluster.

Across the nodes of each cluster, Couchbase data is evenly distributed and replicated: nodes can be removed, and node-failure handled, without data-loss. Data can be selected for replication across clusters residing in different data centers, to ensure high availability.

See Clusters and Availability for information.

Security: Couchbase Server can be rendered highly secure, so as to preserve the privacy and integrity of data, and account for access-attempts. The security facilities provided cover areas including Authentication, Authorization, and Auditing.

See Security for information.

frank-dspeed commented 4 years ago

Introducing comparing to a cloud

talk about cloud and managers as also deploying diffrent databases for diffrent needs..



frank-dspeed commented 4 years ago

Introduce Stealify

Apply MDS Multi-Dimensional Scale into your Application directly do not run a cloud in the cloud of a cloud reduce overhead in all sections. so overall operational and development costs, time to market everything.