stealify / legacy-1-stealify-contains-bad-justjs-zerojs-stuff

Stealify Lang - compiles down to JavaScript / ECMAScript 2022
Apache License 2.0
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Introduce Cross Plattform Nativ Applications #7

Open frank-dspeed opened 5 years ago

frank-dspeed commented 5 years ago

Favorit Reason

OCaml. Reason's just a syntax and toolchain layer on top of OCaml. The OCaml<->Reason interop should be seamless since we share the same abstract syntax tree. BuckleScript works fine in OCaml, naturally. Js_of_ocaml too. Rust. Close cousin of ours. Not garbage collected, focused on speed & safety. Elm. Another cousin of ours! Make clean, fun webapps. PureScript. Inspired by Haskell, compiles to the web. Fable. Based on F#, which is closely related to OCaml. ClojureScript. Nothing in common with us on the surface, but prioritizes simplicity & great interop too. Swift. Fruit-flavored OCaml! Haxe. Compiles to basically anything.

frank-dspeed commented 4 years ago

This should get moved ?!?