steam-forward / node-steam-forum

Forum about coding for Steam on Node.js and JavaScript
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Open BlackOnix opened 6 years ago

BlackOnix commented 6 years ago
Problem description: Error ETIMEDOUT when using steam-tradeoffer. Most often it appears at night. Error appears when loading inventory or when working with tradeoffers
I have already tried: Use proxy ( requestOptions : {'proxy' : 'username:pass@ip:port'} ), increased timeout in request
My code:
          sessionID : sessionID, webCookie : newCookie
        }, function(err, APIKey) {
          self.debug("ApiKey: " + APIKey);
            sessionID : sessionID, webCookie : newCookie, APIKey : APIKey, requestOptions : {'proxy' : 'usernmae:pass@ip:port'} 
          }, function(err) {
            setTimeout(self.acceptMobile, 10000);
I use the following libraries:

steam (and steamcommunity on another project), steam-weblogon, steam-web-api-key, steam-tradeoffers,

alex7kom commented 6 years ago

It's almost certainly a Steam issue, with their servers being busy and not being able to handle the load. You can work around this in your code by retrying the requests where appropriate.

BlackOnix commented 6 years ago

Even Now errors are not present The bot comes to setting up a offers, and all

BlackOnix commented 6 years ago

It just does not work

}, function(err) {
     setTimeout(self.acceptMobile, 10000);