steamguard-totp / steamguard-shared-secret

Obtain Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator shared secret from Android phone without root
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About alternative rooted solution #10

Open Victor239 opened 1 year ago

Victor239 commented 1 year ago

Hello, you suggested device:/ # cat /data/data/*, which key is it? I tried both the AuthToken and RefreshToken in Aegis Authenticator but it couldn't import as it said it wasn't in base32.

flnnhuman commented 1 year ago

tokens from RKStorage are jwt tokens

soar commented 1 year ago

I've spent a lot of time trying to find a token. It looks like it should be a file called Steamguard-* in /data/data/, but there are no such files. Something changed in the app, I suppose.

The only file I found was /data/data/

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='yes' ?>
    <string name="SteamGuard_1">{...}</string>

It seems to me, that it holds the token. But it is another story.

acuifex commented 1 year ago

if someone stumbles on this from google:

cd /tmp; wget ""
unxz frida-server-16.0.8-android-arm64.xz
sudo adb root
sudo adb push frida-server-16.0.8-android-arm64 /data/local/tmp/
sudo adb shell "chmod +x /data/local/tmp/frida-server-16.0.8-android-arm64"
sudo adb shell "/data/local/tmp/frida-server-16.0.8-android-arm64"

yay -S aur/python-frida # use your brain here
cd /tmp; wget
# if raw link somehow goes bad:
python3 ./
# enter into guard section in the steam app on your phone

# clean up the server
sudo adb shell "rm /data/local/tmp/frida-server-16.0.8-android-arm64 /data/local/tmp/re.frida.server/"
autodistries commented 6 months ago

I might add that the time my comment is written, the previous answer no longer outputs the direct otp code. Instead it's something like

 "accounts": {
  "NUMBERS": {
  "shared_secret": "som/ething=",
  "identity_secret": "something=",
  "secret_1": "something=",
  "serial_number": "a number",
  "revocation_code": "the backup code",
  "account_name": "your account name",
  "token_gid": "some token",
  "confirm_type": 3

To get the otp code, copy the shared_secret, decrypt base64 and encrypt to base32 :

echo "<shared_secret>" | base64 -d | base32

(found from