steamlink / steamlink-arduino

Arduino client library for steamlink protocol
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Adafruit Feather 32u4 - Arduino compile #8

Open darkdrgn2k opened 5 years ago

darkdrgn2k commented 5 years ago

Seems arduino does not like this.

/home/user/Arduino/libraries/steamlink-arduino-master/SL_RingBuff.cpp:2:22: fatal error: malloc.h: No such file or directory
   #include <malloc.h>
compilation terminated.
exit status 1
Error compiling for board Adafruit 32u4 Breakout.

Commented it out things compile.

Possibly it was supposed to be #ifdef UNIX instead?

darkdrgn2k commented 5 years ago

Disregard. Compiles fine when M0 board was selected.

darkdrgn2k commented 5 years ago

Seems i picked up instead of

any visibility if it will work?

uditvira commented 5 years ago

The program will execute fine I believe. However with the significantly slower processor and smaller memory you might eventually run in to timing and memory issues. Please let me know how it goes.

darkdrgn2k commented 5 years ago

So i had to remove the malloc.h to get it compile.d

I had some issues getting it flashes May be a Linux quirk ill confirm

Is there a way to check if the flash worked?

darkdrgn2k commented 5 years ago

Confirmed some linux screwy stuff with USB i can now flash it properly with windows.

console getting

!ID SL_testclient 8 slid 124

Doing some debugging seems to die on sl.init((void *)&slconfig, sizeof(slconfig));

darkdrgn2k commented 5 years ago

Seems also the pinouts are differnt

M0 image

32u4 image

So it looks like interrupt is different. Right? #define RFM95_INT 7

Still stopped on same line

uditvira commented 5 years ago

Is it possible you've selected the wrong board (you mentioned selection M0 above)? For the 32u4 board your board selection should be Adafruit AVR boards / Feather 32u4

darkdrgn2k commented 5 years ago

yes I'm past that point finally

m0 won't flash but uses malloc. h ok 32u4 will flash but needs malloc disabled

I so tested it using blink example to confirm.

uditvira commented 5 years ago

That should be okay. I'm guessing it's just a pinout problem like you mentioned above

In the SL_testclient0.ino file, can you make sure you add the right pinout? Your lines 12 on should look something like this:

// for Feather M0
#if 0 // will be removed by compiler
#define RFM95_CS 8
#define RFM95_RST 4
#define RFM95_INT 3
#define LORALED 13
#define VBATPIN A7  

// for feather32u4 
#if 1
#define RFM95_CS 8
#define RFM95_RST 4
#define RFM95_INT 7
#define LORALED 13
#undef VBATPIN  
darkdrgn2k commented 5 years ago

I tried with that, no difference that can be seen. I was hoping there was another pin i was missing or something.

It still stops somewhere in sl.init((void *)&slconfig, sizeof(slconfig));

darkdrgn2k commented 5 years ago

Traced the error down to void LoRaClass::setFrequency(long frequency)

i had some success using this but does not seem to be

void LoRaClass::setFrequency(long frequency)
  _frequency = frequency;

//  uint32_t frf = ((uint32_t)frequency << 19) / 32000000;
  uint32_t frf = 14991360;
  writeRegister(REG_FRF_MSB, (uint8_t)(frf >> 16) & 0xff);
  writeRegister(REG_FRF_MID, (uint8_t)(frf >> 8) & 0xff);
  writeRegister(REG_FRF_LSB, (uint8_t)(frf >> 0) & 0xff);

Math is

(915 * 1000000.0) / (32000000.0 / 524288)

Supposedly the driver SHOULD work with this board

i will fork his driver and try it in a more isolated test

darkdrgn2k commented 5 years ago

I have created a small test program to debug this issue.

I found that the issue is with _driver->setFrequency(SL_LORA_DEFAULT_FREQUENCY * 1E6);

if it is REPLACED with

   if (!_driver->begin(SL_LORA_DEFAULT_FREQUENCY * 1E6)) {
      Serial.println("LoRa driver init failed");
      while (true); 

It seems to initalize properly

#include <LoRa.h>

#define RFM95_CS 8
#define RFM95_RST 4
#define RFM95_INT 7

LoRaClass *_driver = NULL;
void setup() {

  // put your setup code here, to run once:

    _driver = new LoRaClass();
    _driver->setPins(RFM95_CS ,RFM95_RST, RFM95_INT);// set CS, reset, IRQ pin
    _driver->setFrequency(SL_LORA_DEFAULT_FREQUENCY * 1E6)
    Serial.println("init 1");
    Serial.println("init 2");
    Serial.println("init 3");
    Serial.println("init 4");
    Serial.println("init 5");

    if (!_driver->begin(SL_LORA_DEFAULT_FREQUENCY * 1E6)) {
      Serial.println("LoRa driver init failed");
      while (true); 
    Serial.println("LoRa Initialized\n");


void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:


When i moved the line up in SteamLink the module initialized. It returned an error but im not sure if that is of concern.

!ID SL_testclient 8 slid 122

Init Done

Steamlink init done
| OP      : 35
| SLID    : 290 <-> HEX: 122
SteamLinkGeneric::generic_send: send failed!!
Sending "Button 0 pkt: 1"
SteamlinkGeneric::send_data Warning: cannot send ADMIN and USER packets while waiting for ACK
send failed
| OP      : 35
| SLID    : 290 <-> HEX: 122
SteamLinkGeneric::generic_send: send failed!!
| OP      : 35
| SLID    : 290 <-> HEX: 122
SteamLinkGeneric::generic_send: send failed!!
| OP      : 35
| SLID    : 290 <-> HEX: 122
SteamLinkGeneric::generic_send: send failed!!
darkdrgn2k commented 5 years ago

Confirmed with SDR that chirps are being generated

Forked and made changes (in prep for a PR)