stedolan / counterexamples

Counterexamples in Type Systems
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Add a Flow/TypeScript bug around untagged union refinement #9

Closed wchargin closed 3 years ago

wchargin commented 3 years ago

If x: T | Box<T>, and x instanceof Box, it is not necessarily true that x: Box<T>, because T could itself be Box<U> for some U. This kills the crab.

I've always found this bug interesting because it's a great example of how endomorphisms (here, Box<_>) can be either your sharpest tool or your sharpest edge, depending on whether you understand their implications or even notice that they're there. Plus, it's Yet Another Untagged Union Bug, which might almost be cheating at this point.

wchargin-branch: polymorphic-union-refinement

wchargin commented 3 years ago

I ran make serve to build this on my machine, which works nicely except that the KaTeX isn't rendering for me, and neither are the TAGS: wired up. I'd appreciate if you could double-check my handiwork.

samth commented 3 years ago

Might be worth including a Typed Racket example, where this works correctly:

#lang typed/racket

(: f (All (T) (U T (Boxof T)) -> T))
(define (f x)
  (if (box? x)
      (unbox x) ;; type error here
wchargin commented 3 years ago

Ooh, of course; how could I forget my favorite refinement type system… Thanks! Added an example of both valid and invalid refinements in typed/racket.

stedolan commented 3 years ago

This is great, thanks!

The KaTeX and tags stuff requires node.js to be installed and available as /usr/bin/env node. Try:

echo '[{},{"sections":[]}]' | mdbook-katex/mdbook-katex

It should print {"sections":[]} if everything's working.

I've pushed a couple of small edits to this branch:

Also, I think this might be the same as an issue that showed up in Dotty?

wchargin commented 3 years ago

The KaTeX and tags stuff requires node.js to be installed and available as /usr/bin/env node.

Thanks; this all works as described.

I've pushed a couple of small edits to this branch:

All your edits look good to me (just nixed an unnecessary newline); thank you! Feel free to merge at your discretion/convenience.

Also, I think this might be the same as an issue that showed up in Dotty?

Yep, this definitely looks like the same thing, and fails in the same way when when transliterated into Flow. Feel free to add a reference if you think it appropriate.

stedolan commented 3 years ago

Merged, thanks! ( now exists)