steefdebruijn / docker-roonserver

RoonServer downloading Roon on first run
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Unable to update Roon Server #30

Open infinitenewworld opened 5 months ago

infinitenewworld commented 5 months ago

Everything is working perfectly however I'm unable to update the Roon Server, I always get this error:

"There was an error checking for an update."

I am running this on a QNAP device. Here is what I'm seeing in the logs:

04/05 09:27:57 Trace: [appupdater] initial check for updates 04/05 09:27:57 Debug: [base/updater] Checking for updates: 04/05 09:27:57 Debug: [easyhttp] [28] POST to returned after 247 ms, status code: 200, request body size: 936 B 04/05 09:27:57 Debug: [easyhttp] [27] GET to returned after 358 ms, status code: 200, request body size: 0 B 04/05 09:27:57 Debug: [base/updater] Update response: priority=compatible 04/05 09:27:57 Debug: [base/updater] Update response: updateurl= 04/05 09:27:57 Debug: [base/updater] Update response: machineversion=200001392 04/05 09:27:57 Debug: [base/updater] Update response: displayversion=2.0 (build 1392) production 04/05 09:27:57 Debug: [base/updater] Update response: branch=production 04/05 09:27:57 Debug: [base/updater] Update response: type=roon 04/05 09:27:57 Debug: [base/updater] Update response: changelog= 04/05 09:27:57 Debug: [appupdater] Update is available: 2.0 (build 1392) production, Compatible 04/05 09:27:58 Debug: [easyhttp] [29] POST to returned after 146 ms, status code: 200, request body size: 939 B 04/05 09:27:58 Debug: [easyhttp] [30] POST to returned after 152 ms, status code: 200, request body size: 939 B 04/05 09:27:58 Info: [stats] 4900mb Virtual, 134mb Physical, 18mb Managed, 267 Handles, 69 Threads 04/05 09:28:13 Info: [stats] 4900mb Virtual, 134mb Physical, 22mb Managed, 270 Handles, 67 Threads 04/05 09:28:21 Info: [mobile] GOT HTTP API /hello 04/05 09:28:21 Trace: [mobile] Got Hello Request body={"coreId":"15f2d400-ebb7-4787-b0bb-ef8182aae3ea"} 04/05 09:28:28 Info: [stats] 4675mb Virtual, 136mb Physical, 17mb Managed, 270 Handles, 40 Threads 04/05 09:28:43 Info: [stats] 4699mb Virtual, 138mb Physical, 17mb Managed, 271 Handles, 44 Threads 04/05 09:28:58 Info: [stats] 4699mb Virtual, 139mb Physical, 16mb Managed, 268 Handles, 41 Threads 04/05 09:29:13 Info: [stats] 4699mb Virtual, 138mb Physical, 19mb Managed, 270 Handles, 41 Threads 04/05 09:29:28 Info: [stats] 4707mb Virtual, 138mb Physical, 17mb Managed, 269 Handles, 45 Threads 04/05 09:29:37 Error: [appupdater] While downloading update: System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out. at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult) at System.Net.WebClient.GetWebResponse(WebRequest request, IAsyncResult result) at System.Net.WebClient.GetWebResponseTaskAsync(WebRequest request) at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadBitsAsync(WebRequest request, Stream writeStream, AsyncOperation asyncOp, Action`3 completionDelegate) 04/05 09:29:38 Debug: [easyhttp] [32] POST to returned after 139 ms, status code: 200, request body size: 933 B 04/05 09:29:43 Info: [stats] 4755mb Virtual, 138mb Physical, 17mb Managed, 268 Handles, 50 Threads 04/05 09:29:58 Info: [stats] 4683mb Virtual, 138mb Physical, 16mb Managed, 268 Handles, 39 Threads 04/05 09:30:13 Info: [stats] 4683mb Virtual, 138mb Physical, 16mb Managed, 268 Handles, 39 Threads 04/05 09:30:28 Info: [stats] 4683mb Virtual, 138mb Physical, 18mb Managed, 269 Handles, 41 Threads 04/05 09:30:43 Info: [stats] 4699mb Virtual, 137mb Physical, 19mb Managed, 268 Handles, 44 Threads 04/05 09:30:58 Info: [stats] 4691mb Virtual, 137mb Physical, 17mb Managed, 270 Handles, 40 Threads 04/05 09:31:13 Info: [stats] 4691mb Virtual, 137mb Physical, 18mb Managed, 273 Handles, 41 Threads 04/05 09:31:28 Info: [stats] 4691mb Virtual, 136mb Physical, 16mb Managed, 267 Handles, 39 Threads 04/05 09:31:43 Info: [stats] 4707mb Virtual, 136mb Physical, 18mb Managed, 269 Handles, 44 Threads 04/05 09:31:58 Info: [stats] 4683mb Virtual, 136mb Physical, 18mb Managed, 269 Handles, 39 Threads 04/05 09:32:13 Info: [stats] 4683mb Virtual, 136mb Physical, 16mb Managed, 268 Handles, 39 Threads 04/05 09:32:25 Info: [mobile] GOT HTTP API /portverify/9105661d-a981-4942-b492-97cad0439bfa 04/05 09:32:25 Trace: [mobile] Got PortVerify Request from_guid=9105661d-a981-4942-b492-97cad0439bfa 04/05 09:32:25 Trace: [mobile] Could not find to_guid for from_guid: 9105661d-a981-4942-b492-97cad0439bfa 04/05 09:32:28 Info: [stats] 4683mb Virtual, 136mb Physical, 18mb Managed, 269 Handles, 40 Threads 04/05 09:32:28 Trace: [broker/accounts] [heartbeat] now=04/05/2024 16:32:28 nextauthrefresh=04/05/2024 17:27:30 nextmachineallocate=04/05/2024 20:27:28 04/05 09:32:30 Info: [mobile] GOT HTTP API /hello 04/05 09:32:30 Trace: [mobile] Got Hello Request body={"coreId":"15f2d400-ebb7-4787-b0bb-ef8182aae3ea"} 04/05 09:32:43 Info: [stats] 4699mb Virtual, 138mb Physical, 15mb Managed, 269 Handles, 43 Threads 04/05 09:32:58 Info: [stats] 4699mb Virtual, 138mb Physical, 15mb Managed, 270 Handles, 40 Threads 04/05 09:33:13 Info: [stats] 4675mb Virtual, 139mb Physical, 17mb Managed, 267 Handles, 38 Threads 04/05 09:33:28 Info: [stats] 4675mb Virtual, 139mb Physical, 16mb Managed, 269 Handles, 38 Threads 04/05 09:33:43 Info: [stats] 4755mb Virtual, 137mb Physical, 15mb Managed, 269 Handles, 50 Threads 04/05 09:33:58 Info: [stats] 4691mb Virtual, 139mb Physical, 17mb Managed, 266 Handles, 39 Threads

Any ideas? Would love to get this working! Thanks :)

steefdebruijn commented 4 months ago

Simplest thing to try is remove docker container and app volume (not your music, backup folders!!) and try again. At least it will download latest version again on first startup.