steefdebruijn / docker-roonserver

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TIFFReadDirectory: Failed to read directory at offset #31

Open TallMan206 opened 5 months ago

TallMan206 commented 5 months ago

The logs of Roon docker in UnRAID. What could cause this? Also in privileged mode it happens.

TIFFReadDirectory: Failed to read directory at offset 28630792. TIFFFetchDirectory: Memory: Can not read TIFF directory count.

svenska-primekey commented 4 months ago

I'm running into the same issue and trying to figure what is causing this.

gtunes-dev commented 4 months ago

I'm not sure if @steefdebruijn monitors issues in this repo. He hasn't updated the Roon container in quite some time.

I don't know what is causing the issue the two of you are seeing but it could be a corrupt TIFF, the container running out of memory, an out of date TIFF library, or something else. If you're both running UnRAID and unRAID allows you to control the amount of memroy allocated to a given container, you might try increasing it. If that doesn't help, and you're able to build and deploy your own container image, you might want to give that a try. Sorry I can't be of more help.

gtunes-dev commented 4 months ago

Thought I would add that neither of you have indicated whether this is just something you see in the logs or if you are experiencing a functional problem which you attribute to this error

svenska-primekey commented 4 months ago

I can't access my roon core from the app or arc. All i see in the log is:

aac_fixed decoder found, checking libavcodec version...
has mp3float: 1, aac_fixed: 1
TIFFFetchDirectory: Memory: Can not read TIFF directory count.
TIFFReadDirectory: Failed to read directory at offset 56876600.
TIFFFetchDirectory: Memory: Can not read TIFF directory count.
TIFFReadDirectory: Failed to read directory at offset 22408706.
00:00:00.000 Info:  get lock file path: /tmp/.rnsgem0-
00:00:00.002 Info:  GetLockFile, fd: 34
00:00:00.002 Info:  GetLockFile, res: 0
00:00:00.002 Trace: Nope, we are the only one running
gtunes-dev commented 4 months ago

@svenska-primekey - Sorry to hear that. I don't know if it's a new issue or if you're a new user. Either way, I suggest you post on the Roon Community Forum. Folks there might be able to help.

steefdebruijn commented 4 months ago


I do not know or use unraid but have seen multiple weird problems with Roon on unraid via my docker image. Maybe a problem with the implementation of docker on unraid?

But looking at the error message my suspicion is that there is a folder and/or file permission problem somewhere in the external mounted volumes (eg music folder).

gtunes-dev commented 4 months ago

But looking at the error message my suspicion is that there is a folder and/or file permission problem somewhere in the external mounted volumes (eg music folder).

Is your suspicion based on TIFFReadDirectory and TIFFFetchDirectory sounding as if they apply to file system directories?

TIFFs are image files which have internal hierarchical structure. A single TIFF image may contain mulltiple logical directories within the body of the TIFF itself. To me, these errors sound more likely to be caused by a corrupt TIFF, a memory issue, or an issue with the TIFF library (incl. the possibility that it's doing something the UnRaid Docker implementation doesn't like).

svenska-primekey commented 4 months ago

This happened after trying to update the Roon core when I was listening with the Roon app. I went to the console of the container and did an apt update, apt upgrade -y. That didn't seem to work. I then deleted RoonServer and restarted the container from the Unraid UI. After the restart I got the TIFF errors again, but after 10 minutes the Roon core was showing up in the app. The TIFF errors are misleading, but were not the issue. I can't find any good logging to explain why the Roon core was not accessible. My plex container was working just fine along with all the other containers. The only logical explanation I can come up with is that the update failed. It seems that deleting the RoonServer and having it redownload and start resolved this. As I'm not the OP, my issue is resolved now. Thanks for the feedback of items to troubleshoot.