steelbrain / linter-ui-default

Default UI for the Atom Linter package
MIT License
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accessibility issue: gutter dots differentiated only by color #254

Open SpadeAceman opened 7 years ago

SpadeAceman commented 7 years ago

For users with color-deficient vision, the info/warning/error dot colors in the gutter can be very difficult to distinguish from one another, particularly in some UI themes. (Specifically, when I'm using ESLint and One Dark UI, the "warning" and "error" colors appear very similar to each other.)

One fundamental UI accessibility tenet is to avoid using only color to differentiate things. The best approach would be to use unique icons – emoji could serve well as icons in the gutter:

At the very least, using different shapes for the colored gutter indicators (square = info, triangle = warning, circle = error) would allow myself and other colorblind users to better differentiate between them.

steelbrain commented 7 years ago

Hi @SpadeAceman

I thought about the same thing not long ago. Duplicate of which proposes the same icons! :) Please subscribe to that issue

SpadeAceman commented 7 years ago

Aha, thanks! I'd looked through the existing issues but hadn't looked at that one, since it was talking only about the status bar and not the gutter dots.

steelbrain commented 7 years ago

The more I think about it, the more it feels like a separate issue. Thanks again for reporting this @SpadeAceman

steelbrain commented 7 years ago

Fixed by

SpadeAceman commented 6 years ago

The gutter dots are still differentiated only by color, leaving me unable to distinguish between them.

It looks like #300 only fixed the status bar display at the bottom, and didn't fix the gutter dots as per my original request.

Could you please reopen this issue? Thanks.

skylize commented 6 years ago

Mostly just a useless comment, but I'm gonna add it anyways:

This seems like a generally nice idea, even if you were totally ignoring accessibility.

Since apparently this is already on the radar for possible upgrades, the fact that it can make a tremendous usability difference for color-blind people should be enough to give it a fairly high priority.

SpadeAceman commented 6 years ago

After really digging into this, I've taken a stab at illustrating what I'm looking for. The screenshot below shows the warning and error characters I've arrived at which look good on my Windows work machine. (Note the overlapping symbols on line 52, which has both a warning and an error.)

gutter dots replaced 2

Below is the code I hacked together and added to my styles.less file to accomplish this. The symbols I've chosen are easily distinguishable from one another by shape alone, regardless of color. (I've specified these characters both as they are, and using \#### designations, to sidestep any issues with encoding or copy/pasting.)

.linter-gutter.linter-gutter-error.icon::before {
  // content: "❌"; // appears as emoji here on Github
  content: "\274C"; // a big X, same character as above

.linter-gutter.linter-gutter-warning.icon::before {
  // content: "⚠️"; // appears as emoji here on Github
  content: "\26A0"; // warning triangle symbol, same character as above

.linter-gutter.linter-gutter-info.icon::before {
  // content: "ℹ️"; // appears as emoji here on Github, but doesn't look great in Atom under Windows
  // content: "\2139"; // same character as above
  // content: "ⓘ"; // this looks better in Atom under Windows
  content: "\24D8"; // circled lowercase i, same character as above

Note that I avoided the stop sign/octagon symbol for the error indicator, since at small sizes the stop sign is too similar to a circle (as is currently the case with the status bar symbols). The "X" is a more distinct and obvious error indicator.