steelydylan / gulp-generator

Easy gulp generator for web
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Requests for gulp-cache, gulp-del, a gulp build task, and font compression. Update off of combine-media-queries #4

Closed rooksstrife closed 8 years ago

rooksstrife commented 8 years ago

If you could add the functionality of only recompressing if needed with gulp-cache (images). Also, to have a gulp build that builds everything out sass/js/image tasks and clears out the specified build folder.

rooksstrife commented 8 years ago

Also - great work!

rooksstrife commented 8 years ago

The cache one should be easy. Similar to Quench -

rooksstrife commented 8 years ago

Also, gulp-combine-media-queries does not work with new node. It hasn't been updated for a year. I suggest moving to This works. Also, add in log - .pipe(mmq({ log: true }))

steelydylan commented 8 years ago

Hi rooksstrife!! Thank you for your advice I'll add "gulp-cache, gulp-del, gulp-merge-media-queries" ASAP I'll tell you, when I have done it :)

rooksstrife commented 8 years ago

Cool thanks.

steelydylan commented 8 years ago

I just updated. you can use "gulp-cache" and "gulp-merge-media-queries" now. but I'd like to know what purpose you want to use "gulp-del". you wanna use it for deleting the folder where unoptimized images exist? and "gulp-generator" already have the task where you can watch and execute "css/html/js" tasks at once, do you still need the function for executing those tasks?