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DP: META: Create an ideal Steem client specification #256

Open relativityboy opened 6 years ago

relativityboy commented 6 years ago

As a developer in any language I want a best set of features for a client interacting with the Steem blockchain. This includes how the application interface is constructed, and the functionality provided.

Using a car analogy


relativityboy commented 6 years ago

Collective Description - in progress

inertia186 commented 6 years ago

Endorsing: Metaprogramming

I feel like metaprogramming solves the problem of adding new methods to clients pretty effectiely, so I endorse this feature.

One feature of steem-ruby is to ask jsonrpc what api/methods are available from the node. Once it knows these facts, the developer can ask for an instance of a particular namespace, like FollowApi if follow_api is enabled on that node. All of the methods on follow_api become available.

As result, for any namespace that exists, the method can be invoked, without having to wait for steem-ruby development (me) to add that api/method.

Often, I would like to extend an api's functionality, so I go ahead and create a concrete class. I still don't add the methods, though. I let the exsiting method_missing callbacks do that. But for extra functionality, for instance, I want block_api to support json-rpc-batch for get_block, I created Steem::BlockApi and added a method named get_blocks that takes a range of block numbers.

Along these lines, one drawback to this is that operations are not enumerated by jsonrpc, so steem-ruby has no idea if a particular operation type is valid or not. It also has no idea if a particular operation type is virtual. I think it'd be nice if jsonrpc could list operations, but since it does not, I've opted to just let the node indicate if the operation is valid at broadcast.

inertia186 commented 6 years ago

Endorsing: Full Error Handlers

In steem-ruby, instead of returning result and error objects, it only ever returns result and raises an exception when it sees error. I parse the message to build up a meaningful error type.

The advantage of doing this is that retriable errors are more easily identifyiable and handled automatically.

The disadvanage is that any error message I haven't whitelisted will be instantiated as UnknownError.

jnordberg commented 6 years ago

Serialize transactions, manage keys, sign transactions, broadcast transactions, JSON RPC client + signing support

jnordberg commented 6 years ago

Interfaces should follow language/platform conventions

r351574nc3 commented 5 years ago

Something like this maybe that we can

  1. Generate documentation from code
  2. Verify/test code against specification
  3. Provide reference to generate clients from api (by version)
DrSensor commented 5 years ago

I'm proposing IDL to auto-generate serialization library for many different programming languages. Some library maintainer probably uses a bot to update their dependencies regularly. By having IDL (which can serve as a living specification), auto-generate it to many programming languages then publish it to many packages manager can improve the quality of existing Steem library out there while also open a door to have libraries for compiled languages (e.g Rust, C++, Golang).

IDL that I can think of which have support to wide ranges of programming languages is (well, it's more like auto-generator rather than IDL). Having your own IDL or meta-languages can also be good alternatives.

(though I really want to have GraphQL alongside with JSON-RPC as the secondary API, just like GitHub. But seems it's impossible for now to have it built-in in Steem 🙂)