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Displaying/Parsing/Rendering Post Body #356

Open dancherb opened 6 years ago

dancherb commented 6 years ago

Expected behavior

I should be able to use a HTMLView or markdown-render module to display the post content.

Actual behavior

Pictures don't show up, html or markdown text shows up in the post body. Approaching it either as HTML or markdown doesn't work (maybe a mix of both would?)

How to reproduce

Take a post body from the API. Try running it through either of these:

import Markdown from "react-native-easy-markdown";
import HTMLView from 'react-native-htmlview';


<HTMLView value={item.body}/>

Markdown view:


HTML view:


What is your method - does the body use a special format/protocol that I should be aware of? Thanks!

dancherb commented 6 years ago

I've also had a go at rendering the post content on a website with Remarkable JS. Here's the result:


HajaSharifJ commented 6 years ago

I also faced same problem finally this guy helped me. Try this