steemit / steem-python

The official Python (3) library for the Steem Blockchain.
MIT License
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add failing test for broadcast #195

Closed roadscape closed 6 years ago

roadscape commented 6 years ago

Error: Error Response: {'code': -32000, 'message': 'Bad Cast:Invalid cast from string_type to Array', 'data': {'code': 7, 'name': 'bad_cast_exception', 'message': 'Bad Cast', 'stack': [{'context': {'level': 'error', 'file': 'variant.cpp', 'line': 537, 'method': 'get_array', 'hostname': '', 'timestamp': '2018-03-27T20:28:38'}, 'format': 'Invalid cast from ${type} to Array', 'data': {'type': 'string_type'}}, {'context': {'level': 'warn', 'file': 'asset.cpp', 'line': 409, 'method': 'from_variant', 'hostname': '', 'timestamp': '2018-03-27T20:28:38'}, 'format': '', 'data': {}}]}}

Body: {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 0, "method": "call", "params": ["database_api", "verify_authority", [{"ref_block_num": 13984, "ref_block_prefix": 551221541, "expiration": "2018-03-27T20:32:10", "operations": [["claim_reward_balance", {"account": "test", "reward_steem": "0.000 STEEM", "reward_sbd": "0.000 SBD", "reward_vests": "0.000000 VESTS"}]], "extensions": [], "signatures": ["1f2ee28e71e107a5c8a78bd5a53439ec26001da44ce81370b53f6f29a305012d6246162c796000e596701bbe02ec52e47ffdfe05e815a076d983ac98ef26b9e277"]}]]}


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 0,
  "method": "call",
  "params": [
        "ref_block_num": 13984,
        "ref_block_prefix": 551221541,
        "expiration": "2018-03-27T20:32:10",
        "operations": [
              "account": "test",
              "reward_steem": "0.000 STEEM",
              "reward_sbd": "0.000 SBD",
              "reward_vests": "0.000000 VESTS"
        "extensions": [],
        "signatures": [
roadscape commented 6 years ago

Two new tests: test_claim_reward, test_witness_update -- both are now passing against pre-appbase nodes and failing against appbase during verify_authority call, tracked at