Closed officiallymarky closed 6 years ago shows a blockchain version number of 0.19.10 but does not support the new appbase json format. Thus, it works for Furion's version of Steem-python and not for 1.0.1.
sets the steem-object to the old json format:
stm = Steem(node="")
{'average_block_size': 13158,
'confidential_sbd_supply': '0.000 SBD',
'confidential_supply': '0.000 STEEM',
'current_aslot': 24481578,
'current_reserve_ratio': 200000000,
'current_sbd_supply': '15564519.367 SBD',
'current_supply': '272076901.522 STEEM',
'current_witness': 'jesta',
'head_block_id': '017461d1aef91b2f510fa578edf24ab4993d0860',
'head_block_number': 24404433,
'last_irreversible_block_num': 24404418,
'max_virtual_bandwidth': '264241152000000000000',
'maximum_block_size': 65536,
'num_pow_witnesses': 172,
'participation_count': 128,
'pending_rewarded_vesting_shares': '380064561.448550 VESTS',
'pending_rewarded_vesting_steem': '185763.563 STEEM',
'recent_slots_filled': '340282366920938463463374607431768211455',
'sbd_interest_rate': 0,
'sbd_print_rate': 3933,
'time': '2018-07-22T17:18:54',
'total_pow': 514415,
'total_reward_fund_steem': '0.000 STEEM',
'total_reward_shares2': '0',
'total_vesting_fund_steem': '192936786.204 STEEM',
'total_vesting_shares': '391224302733.522646 VESTS',
'virtual_supply': '282900628.480 STEEM',
'vote_power_reserve_rate': 10}
I am using Jussi with translate AppBase option True. Which I believe does. I tried with and without this.
Right now points to and is not using translate appbase because it already translates and the errors using my own appbase nodes.
The other reason it is not currently pointing to my own nodes is Jussi does not specifying port numbers and I was trying to eliminate nginx from the equation.
It seems the error only happens when using s = Steem(nodes=[''])
but not s = Steem(node="")
s = Steem(node="")
s = Steem(node=[""])
from steembase.http_client import HttpClient
rpc = HttpClient("")
So only Steem(nodes=[""])
or Steem([""]) will work
Version of Python you are running
Python 3.6.5
Version of steem-python you are running
Expected Behavior
steem-python working with Jussi node
Actual Behavior
When connecting steem-python 1.0.1 a Jussi node that is not one of the Steemit Inc ones (api, dev, staging) I get the following error after doing Steem(nodes=[''])
steembase.exceptions.RPCError: unspecified error from (Invalid Request) in get_dynamic_global_properties
Doesn't matter what node the Jussi server is pointed to, and happens with a fresh install of Jussi with default configuration. Using Furion's version of Steem-python works, but has other issues.
Steps to reproduce
Install Jussi, use steem-python to do anything. Oddly it has no problems with Steemit Inc provided Jussi nodes.
Stack Trace