Closed relativityboy closed 6 years ago
Suggestion: the web page should check if the account exists and if it does, let them log into the testnet condenser, maybe hinting that they should use their mainnet keys.
Well, I got stuck in package managemenet hell (failed: pipenv install Flask='0.11.*'
), but this got me unstuck:
Suggestion: the web page should check if the account exists and if it does, let them log into the testnet condenser, maybe hinting that they should use their mainnet keys.
Yes. Many, many improvements. Other issues.
git pull
pip install .
cp server.conf.example server.conf
tinman server \
--get-dev-key path/to/get_dev_key \
--signer path/to/sign_transaction \
--timeout 600 \
Try it out by going to:
As a developer I want to be able to create my own accounts on the testnet that have sufficient bandwidth to post and do transactions, at will, at no cost, and with minimal foreknowledge, so that I can develop apps on the testnet in the way that best suits my company's development cycle. So that barriers to using Steem are lowered.