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Pulsar addon for XBMC/Kodi
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No Links Found/Blocked by Filename #113

Closed TSM-EVO closed 9 years ago

TSM-EVO commented 9 years ago

Hi, I've recently moved from OSMC to OpenELEC on my RPi2, and I am having real issues getting Pulsar to play any TV show. I've run into two distinct errors in the logs that I can see, the most pertinent one being that it appears a string is being appended on to all outgoing search links.

Loglines like this: 11:47:14 T:1484776512 NOTICE: [script.pulsar.TOTALLYLEGITPROVIDER-mc]

The issue being the #tv&filter

I can see on the screen, in the notification that pops up for each provider there is the text #tv&filter

I tried an older version of Pulsar, 0.31, which is what all the providers say "ONLY SUPPORTS", still the same issue.

I'm going to try an older version of ELEC.

steeve commented 9 years ago

From what I'm reading, your provider is filtering out the links by itself, sending nothing to Pulsar

TSM-EVO commented 9 years ago

That's what it looks like to me too. I was going through the provider setup documentation, but it's a bit above my level. Thanks for the help. I don't suppose you could direct me to someone who is familiar with the providers? I think that my next step needs to be finding someone who can answer why the providers are all doing this.