stef-levesque / vscode-autohotkey

AutoHotkey language support for VS Code
MIT License
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Maybe it's time to add support for v2? #16

Open krasnovpro opened 6 years ago

krasnovpro commented 6 years ago


denolfe commented 6 years ago

What specifically in v2 is not supported by this extension? Are there any other editors which support it?

hintswen commented 4 years ago

V2 has some syntax changes, some commands are now functions and some have different names now eg.

v1 WinGet, OutputVar, Style , WinTitle, WinText, ExcludeTitle, ExcludeText
v2 WinGetStyle(WinTitle, WinText, ExcludeTitle, ExcludeText)

Text parameters also need to be in quotes:

v1 MsgBox Hello World
v2 MsgBox "Hello World"

Due to the changes it may be better to have a completely separate extension for ahk2 as there is no way of telling which you are trying to use, both use the .ahk file extension.

Raketenphysik commented 4 years ago

Jep, would be highly apprechiated. Just did some reading regarding v2. Good intention to cut some old pigtails off.

Any plans?