stef-levesque / vscode-shader

Shader languages support for VS Code
MIT License
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Add extension to OpenVSX registry #38

Open blfunex opened 4 years ago

blfunex commented 4 years ago

Hi, I used to use your extension in VSCode, I now use gitpod and vscodium, I have to install it using the vsix file. But there is a much better solution Eclipse foundation started a fully open source vscode extension registry name OpenVSX, I would love it if you took a look at registering the extension there, so it can appear in non Microsoft VSCode alternatives.

Note that Microsoft is prohibiting the direct use of their marketplace by any non-Microsoft software, even though most extensions are actually open source and not developed or maintained by Microsoft. quoted from GitPod docs

Tremeschin commented 3 years ago


gtsiam commented 3 years ago


Any plans on this? Or any reason not to? (lack of time / licensing / etc)

stef-levesque commented 3 years ago

I don't have any objection to publishing it on another registry, but I'm afraid I won't have time to properly test it and publish it myself.

blfunex commented 3 years ago

Can the publishing be automated, I am not experienced with vscode extensions, or is your worry about the API differences between vscode-likes ?

stef-levesque commented 3 years ago

I'm reluctant to publish an extension on something that I don't test. But I'm willing to add a contributor to this project, if anyone wants to do it :)

blfunex commented 3 years ago

Oh, I would but I lack experience with this kind of work, ~I will do some research tomorrow GMT, and contribute if possible~ (life got busy, sorry).

Rua commented 3 years ago

I came here for the same thing. Would love to see it added.

fdesjardins commented 2 years ago

While we're waiting on this being added to OpenVSX (I would also like to see this), you can install this manually (vscodium and Linux instructions):

mkdir -p ~/.vscode-oss/extensions/
git clone ~/.vscode-oss/extensions/vscode-shader

Then reload the window and syntax highlighting seems to work.

filiptronicek commented 2 years ago

Hello there @stef-levesque 👋! I work on the Open VSX project.

Regarding the compatibility issues, neither the Microsoft Marketplace nor Open VSX modify the .vsix builds in any way + Open VSX's CLI tool called ovsx builds the extensions using the same tool used for publishing - vsce, so if the MS Marketplace version works, Open VSX will work as well.

Since this repository seems unmaintained, it's possible to automate the publishing and not require much maintaining on our part. If you ever wish to, you can claim your namespace and publish new versions of the extension!