stefalda / ReactNativeLocalization

Class to localize the ReactNative interface
MIT License
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Manual Installation for windows on latest RN #200

Open RedZepplin opened 3 years ago

RedZepplin commented 3 years ago

This is probably a stupid question, and I apologize in advance for my own naivety,

Instructions I'm following

I've been trying to do the manual installation for windows, but can't for the life of me get it right, managed to get through the first 8 steps without a hitch, but the last part:

Open MainPage.cs Add the new ReactNativeLocalization.RNLocalizationPackage() to the Packages list in MainPage.cs

I can't seem to find MainPage.cs, the closest thing I can find is MainPage.cpp which I am assuming is a C++ variation of the same file. despite this I have tried everything I can think of including #include to add this to the packages list, please any form of guidance would be greatly appreciated

MainPage.cpp `#include "pch.h"

include "MainPage.h"

if __has_include("MainPage.g.cpp")

include "MainPage.g.cpp"


include "App.h"

using namespace winrt; using namespace Windows::UI::Xaml;

namespace winrt::FrappePOS::implementation { MainPage::MainPage() {


    auto app = Application::Current().as<App>();

} `