stefanXO / Tab-Manager-Plus

An updated and improved Chrome and Firefox extension of the old google chrome extension "Tab Manager".
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Improvement/Suggestion: Windows inside Windows #128

Open ehildebrandtrojo opened 3 years ago

ehildebrandtrojo commented 3 years ago


I wanted to give a suggestion for the extension. I think it would be really cool to be able to group different windows with different tabs inside another window.

For instance, you could have one big window called "Classes" and then inside the "Classes" window have other multiple windows titled with different course titles (e.g. "Biology 101", "Multivariable Calculus", "Introduction to Python", etc) each with their own respective tabs.

I know something similar could currently be done with the colors, but having different windows grouped together would be great. Maybe adding the ability to drag window boxes around would be another way to accomplish the same thing.

Thanks for taking the time to read my suggestions!

isalew commented 1 year ago

I believe this request is a duplicate of #16. Not quite the same as "window in window", but support for two-levels of organization would be possible if tab manager provides tab group support (i.e. create, delete, move, etc).