stefanXO / Tab-Manager-Plus

An updated and improved Chrome and Firefox extension of the old google chrome extension "Tab Manager".
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One "punishing" flow when trying to select (and close) multiple tabs #152

Open jonerez opened 3 years ago

jonerez commented 3 years ago


I really love the extension! Thanks for building and maintaining it.

One of my main uses for the extension is to be able to mass-select and close tabs. What I would do (ideally):

  1. Accumulate 100+ tabs (happens daily unfortunately)
  2. Click on the extension
  3. Start going through the list, read the names of tabs, and right click those that I want to delete (This is a careful operation, I'm thinking about each tab)
  4. When done, click "select all tabs"

The problem is, there are a few different things that can go wrong on step 3 that causes my selections to be forgotten. In case I already accumulated ~20 selections this can be frustrating, as I have to restart from zero and re-apply the thought process.

The things that can go wrong:

  1. Accidental left-click instead of right-click. (I got around that by retraining my muscles to hold "shift" while selecting, and then left-click also selects, so I could live with that.)
  2. Accidental click outside of the box – this closes the box and forgets the selection. (Happens to me a bit rarely, I could live with that.)
  3. Accidental click in the space between two rows in the list. This closes the box as well. This one happens to me most frequently and I just can't get around it.
  4. If the current browser selected tab is also selected in the list and then "close" operation starts, it might not finish and the only some of the tabs will be closed (that's probably what happens in too).

Possible fixes:

  1. The best fix would be to cache the selection, so that if we re-open the extension your previous choices would be pre-filled.
  2. If that's not possible, I'd be very grateful with a simple fix for just issue 3, by making the margin between items not close the window.


mastef commented 2 years ago

Hi @jonerez, have you tried simply middle-clicking on the tabs that you want to close?