stefanXO / Tab-Manager-Plus

An updated and improved Chrome and Firefox extension of the old google chrome extension "Tab Manager".
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Vertical View's inconsistent column behavior as width changes #157

Open DavidSalsburg opened 3 years ago

DavidSalsburg commented 3 years ago

Currently, Vertical View displays in two columns only if the width is set to exactly 800. When doing so, it gives each box a width of 316, with an edge padding of 10, for a total two-column width of 672, leaving a large blank 110px space (+10 padding and +18 scroll bar) at the right edge.

I believe the box width to correctly fill the pop-up here should be 371. ([10+371+10] + [10+371+10] + 18 = 800)

At a width of 799 or less, Vertical View switches to one column, which fills the entire pop-up and leaves 0 edge padding. (Compact mode was not in use during this.)

Here, the box width should be the window width minus 20, to leave room for the edge padding.

Additionally, the choice between one or two columns is completely hidden, and made on the user's behalf, where ideally it should be selectable, for example to have a two-column view with less than 800 width. It would be even nicer to be able to set these settings by number of tabs/windows, for example having a narrow one-column view, before switching to a wide two-column view when one's tabs no longer fit in the narrow view.