stefanXO / Tab-Manager-Plus

An updated and improved Chrome and Firefox extension of the old google chrome extension "Tab Manager".
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Can we make it optional to open selected tabs in a new window. #158

Open vityas opened 3 years ago

vityas commented 3 years ago

I keep my tabs organized in groups, searching and pressing enter completely destroys the order.

Could we make it optional to open a new tab? Instead, open the first match.

pkundrat commented 3 years ago

I second this. For me, the quick tab search is the most useful TMP feature, but as soon as i have two tabs with one site open, that quick search suddenly becomes awfully slow search, as i always want to switch to first selected tab, rather than reorganize tabs. So now the only way to switch to the desired tab, is to scroll the preview panel until i find the yellow tab and click on it. I also wish preview should scroll to the first match automatically - that would make selection rather quick too (not as good as Enter, but still much better than now).

Osmiridium commented 2 years ago

I support and vote for this feature request to be implemented, great suggestion!

isalew commented 1 year ago

Duplicate of #16