stefanXO / Tab-Manager-Plus

An updated and improved Chrome and Firefox extension of the old google chrome extension "Tab Manager".
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`Feature Request`: Option to change the default behaviour of searching + `Enter`, and making it usable without a mouse #164

Open sapioit opened 3 years ago

sapioit commented 3 years ago


By default, after searching through the tabs, if we press Enter, all the leftover selected tabs will get pulled into a new tab, with no undo option. Could you, please, add the setting for that action to simply to to that tab? And, I would go even further, could you add to that the functionality for the up and down arrows to go through the selected tabs of the search results (like we would hover over them with the mouse), so we can press Enter and go to the tab we chose?

Thanks for taking the time to read this! Have a good one!

sapioit commented 2 years ago

When typing in the search box, being a single line, home and end can already move the cursor to before the first and after the last positions, so the up and down arrow keys could be used to move in the tabs selected, and scroll lock to select or deselect, as a keyboard alternative to the right click. And page up and page down could be used for scrolling the results, without using the mouse. This could all be considered an accessibility update.

This would require adding the option for the search to not auto-select the results, just to hide the results which do not fit the search terms, if said option is selected, or just gray-out the results which do not fit the search terms.

sapioit commented 2 years ago

Or, at least, separate the moving to tab feature from splitting to new tab feature. You could move to the first tab in the search results with Enter/Return, and split to new tabs with Shift+Enter, for example.

sapioit commented 2 years ago

Any update?

sapioit commented 2 years ago

Still hoping for this change to be implemented.

sapioit commented 2 years ago

4 months and 10 days later, still hoping for this to be implemented. @stefanXO please add this!

mastef commented 2 years ago

Problem with hijacking left/right keys is that they are used while typing something. Maybe [tab] jumping to select a specific tab.

What currently works is a mouse click.

PRs welcome

sapioit commented 2 years ago

I am perfectly alright with using [Tab] and [Shift]+[Tab] to navigate up and down. Also, I have not mentioned hijacking the Left Arrow and Right Arrow keys, just the Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys. Left and Right are used to navigate through the words in the search terms, once you have the extension's panel open, but Up and Down aren't because we have Home and End to get to the beginning and end (respectively) of the text in the text box, since the text box only has one line of text (I tried copy-pasting multiple lines of text, so I know). Also having one functionality for when there is a single result and a different functionality when there are multiple results creates inconsistencies in behaviour, which make the extension feel buggy, even though that behaviour is intended by the developer.

Besides, opening the extension's panel and typing something starting with a number instead of a letter doesn't work. I know that because I sometimes have multiple tabs open for different episodes of a series to talk about them in the comments section, and I sometimes still try to search starting with a number, only to realize a second later that I need to type any letter from the name of the page then a space then the number, for the extension to search what I want to search. Though that is less of an issue (for me) than the inconsistent behaviour of searching something and pressing enter, depending on whether there is a single search result or there are more than one results.

sapioit commented 2 years ago

As I said, it would likely be better to make the moving of tabs to a new window require pressing not only Enter, but also Shift or Alt or Ctrl (or Cmd on MacOS), including when there is a single search result, and otherwise allow us to use the Up and Down keys to navigate through the search results (or through the tabs, since we have the functionality of jumping to the current tab) followed by Enter to jump to that tab. For example, the Ctrl / Cmd key could be used to select or deselect a tab for opening in a new window, but pressing Enter without Shift would still navigate to the tab we navigated to, instead of opening a new window with said tabs.

edisondotme commented 2 years ago

I am perfectly alright with using [Tab] and [Shift]+[Tab] to navigate up and down.

This would increase the usefulness of this extension a lot for me. I much more frequently want to switch to a tab than I want to group tabs into a new window. Combined with the Alt+O shortcut, this would make switching between tabs on all windows/workspaces/monitors/etc with only the keyboard very efficient. Hope to see this implemented!

sapioit commented 2 years ago

Thank you for showing interest in this feature! I hope it will be implemented soon.

pkundrat commented 1 year ago

As I said, it would likely be better to make the moving of tabs to a new window require pressing not only Enter, but also Shift or Alt or Ctrl (or Cmd on MacOS), including when there is a single search result, and otherwise allow us to use the Up and Down keys to navigate through the search results (or through the tabs, since we have the functionality of jumping to the current tab) followed by Enter to jump to that tab. For example, the Ctrl / Cmd key could be used to select or deselect a tab for opening in a new window, but pressing Enter without Shift would still navigate to the tab we navigated to, instead of opening a new window with said tabs.

Yes - exactly. I was also proposing the similar thing on the extension page. Personally i would maybe prefer avoid using Enter altogether - as move is quite a potentially destructive operation, that would be better with its own shortcut (Ctrl-M?)

Another way how to avoid switching between several matches and keeping track which is the current one would be to use shortcuts Alt-1 to Alt-9 to switch to n-th match (would be less useful if you have more than 10 matches).

Personally i would be even better off if enter always jumped to the first match (not ideal, but still an improvement).

pkundrat commented 1 year ago

Would there be a way to sponsor a given feature request?

sapioit commented 1 year ago

I agree that that would be nice.