stefanXO / Tab-Manager-Plus

An updated and improved Chrome and Firefox extension of the old google chrome extension "Tab Manager".
382 stars 91 forks source link

Tab Manager Plus has been removed from the Chrome Extensions webstore #176

Closed mastef closed 2 years ago

mastef commented 2 years ago

A note: Tab Manager Plus is currently not available in the chrome web store.

The reason for the takedown was that the extension was flagged for "keyword spamming" in connection with the keyword Tabs. Keyword spamming usually happens when an extension adds a lot of irrelevant words to the description, in order to be ranked higher for unrelated words...

In this case, the description is filled with examples and explanations how Tab Manager Plus can help you in working with your tabs... I have appealed the decision and we'll see how it'll go.

mastef commented 2 years ago

The extension has been re-instated by Google after reviewing the appeal.