stefanXO / Tab-Manager-Plus

An updated and improved Chrome and Firefox extension of the old google chrome extension "Tab Manager".
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Major bug: Not all windows are re-opened / closed / etc in popup #179

Open mastef opened 2 years ago

mastef commented 2 years ago

This seems to happen from time to time. When trying to restore a window with - let's say - 10 tabs. The tab manager will only restore the first 3, because the popup closes in the mean time.

The same seems to happen when trying to close a window with a certain amount of tabs?

This bug doesn't happen when the tab manager is running in its' own window. It only happens in the popup, as the process is being killed by closing the popup.

To investigate:

Possible solution:

mikedlr commented 1 year ago

In a Firefox configuration with quite a number of extensions I find that no tabs whatsoever open. The workaround of opening in a separate tab works though.

Firefox 103.0.1

DataLoreQ commented 1 year ago

I am experiencing this issue when trying to reopen saved windows. This is happening on both Firefox and Chrome. Whenever I try opening a saved window, I'm lucky if I get 8-12 tabs to open. Most often, it is only four tabs.

If I open Tab Manager Plus in its own tab, then the saved windows will open.