stefanXO / Tab-Manager-Plus

An updated and improved Chrome and Firefox extension of the old google chrome extension "Tab Manager".
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Feature suggestion: Remove duplicate #188

Open royharoush opened 2 years ago

royharoush commented 2 years ago

Hi, Your extension is a life saver, so thank you ! I suggest there will be an option to remove duplicate tabs. Today when you "highlight duplicates", it highelights all of them, and when you remove them it will remove all of them(leaving no tab that was duplicated). The expected behavior of this feature is to leave only once instance when you choose to remove duplicates. Bonus feature: allow to set a default of latest\earlierst duplicate(let's say you've been working for a long time, and you want to only keep the latest tab of a duplication array).

Thanks again , Roy

SMITHaIDEA commented 2 years ago

we need a new list to add URLS to auto close in 5 SEC any tab or new tab from popping up with out your permission

vvambo commented 10 months ago

There are 2 feature requests in this, but I'm here to support the one to remove all but 1 of the duplicates (or rather remove the duplicate, leaving one as original)

jgwinner commented 8 months ago

I'd support removing all but 1 as well.

knowbodynos commented 3 months ago

+1 this would be an amazing feature and would help so much