stefanXO / Tab-Manager-Plus

An updated and improved Chrome and Firefox extension of the old google chrome extension "Tab Manager".
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left sidebar cannot be closed if browser is configured without titlebar #196

Open andrei-pavel opened 1 year ago

andrei-pavel commented 1 year ago

I use Firefox in window-only mode. That allows me to get rid of the tab bar for more space on the screen for the page. This is where Tab Manager Plus comes in handy with Tab options: 1 configured which ensures that there are no hidden tabs opened in the same window. I also got rid of the titlebar with some special CSS for Firefox. That means I don't have the minimize, maximize, close buttons. It seems that the Tab Manager Plus sidebar inherits this layout and also lacks the close button which I would normally use to close the sidebar. The sidebar is also persistent over browser restarts. I have no use for the sidebar. Could the X button be a regular button just like the donate, rate and options buttons?