stefanXO / Tab-Manager-Plus

An updated and improved Chrome and Firefox extension of the old google chrome extension "Tab Manager".
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Feature Request: Show Most Recently Used Tabs list #203

Open pkundrat opened 1 year ago

pkundrat commented 1 year ago

With many tabs open you always need to use search (or rely on icons). Having to hover over each icon to read its tile is time consuming. But even with text search, you need to hover over each item to make sure you are in the correct title (or rely on remembering their relative position within other window's tabs). I believe the tablist with full titles would be quicker to work with. Ideal solution would be to have both - e.g. Click on TMP icon shows current icon list. Shift-click on TMP icon shows detailed icon+title list.

Independently of this, i would also suggest e.g. using Ctrl click to show the list in MRU order, and Alt click to only show tabs from the current window .